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Gary Perlman's Professional Service and Resources

Professional Service

  • BuckCHI: I served as the first elected chair of BuckCHI, the Central Ohio Local SIGCHI Chapter 1997-1998.
  • SIGCHI: After serving as the Adjuct Chair for Education and later the Vice Chair for Publications (95-97), I lingered as the de facto SIGCHI email manager and part-time web cobbler until 2002.
  • CHCCS/SCDHM: The Canadian Human Computer Communications Society honoured me with a service award in 2007.
SIGCHI Curriculum Development Group SIGCHI Distinguished Service Award SIGCHI Lifetime Service Award CHCCS Service Award
I have a longstanding interest in methodology and technical education in the research areas listed above, and I have helped develop artifacts to promote it.

Information Resources

Empirical Methods

HCI Educational Materials

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