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Gary Perlman's Home Page

Gary Perlman develops useful and usable information systems. He worked on research and development for OCLC ( on FirstSearch and usability, accessibility, and translation. Directing the HCI Bibliography (, he is the world's leading organizer of information resources on human-computer interaction. He is the author of |STAT, a statistical package running on UNIX/Linux, DOS, and Macs for longer than many of its users have been alive.

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(Picture of Gary Perlman, 2010) Hello, I am Gary Perlman and I work on making information more useful and usable by people. I worked at OCLC for 17 years, where I worked on research and development of human factors of bibliographic and full-text retrieval systems, notably OCLC's FirstSearch and WorldCat services.

Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, I lived in the United States for 30 years and moved back in the summer of 2003.

Most people will want to go to my page of resources on human-computer interaction (like the HCI Bibliography) and empirical methods (like the |STAT data analysis package). My user interface questionnaire page is also popular.

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