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Gary Perlman's Short Resume

Last updated:   Accesses since 2001-10-05:

Short Résumé

Photo of Gary Perlman, October 2001

General Information

Born: April 12, 1956, Montreal, Canada
Citizenship: Canada, United States (Naturalized May 11, 1993)
Status: Married with 2 children
Address: 4688 Westmount Ave., Westmount, Quebec, H3Y-1X1 Canada
Phone: 514-482-4905
Email: perlman@acm.org
Home Page: http://hcibib.org/perlman/
Objective: To improve the quality of how people use technical information by the development of information artifacts and software systems that increase the productivity of people working with information.
  • Hypertext and Information Retrieval
  • Software Engineering
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Applied Statistics
  • Technical Communication
  • Science/Technology and Mathematics Education


1982 Ph.D. from the University of California at San Diego in Cognitive Psychology (with extensive coursework in computer science). Dissertation advisor: David E. Rumelhart
1978 MA from the University of California at San Diego in Cognitive Psychology.
1977 BA from the University of Rochester in Psychology (with extensive coursework in mathematics and computer science).

Work Experience

2010-2013 Lead User Experience Researcher, OCLC Inc., Dublin, Ohio. Focus: web-based bibliographic and full text retrieval.
1996-2010 Consulting Research Scientist, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Dublin, Ohio. Focus: web-based bibliographic and full text retrieval.
1984-98 Consultant on UNIX software and user interfaces for many software companies.
1988-96 Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Research: human-computer interaction, information retrieval. Courses: software engineering, information retrieval, user interface development, empirical methods. Ph.D. Students:
1987-90 President, Northern Lights Software Corporation Focus: information retrieval software.
1987-88 Visiting Scientist, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Focus: user interface development.
1987-88 Visiting Research Scientist, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Focus: information management.
1984-87 Assistant Professor of Information Technology, Wang Institute of Graduate Studies, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts. Courses: programming methods, user interface development, systems analysis.
1982-84 Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Focus: user interface software tools, particularly for the S statistical system.


Skills relevant to user interface development in a software engineering lifecycle process are in a table (generated using the semi-structured toolkit).
Systems: UNIX (since 1977), DOS/Windows, Macintosh
Languages: expert in Java, C and HTML/CGI, competent with Visual Basic, JavaScript, CSS, Perl, SQL, some experience with Lisp, Pascal, FORTRAN
  • User interface design and evaluation methods
  • Internet information services
  • International user interface implementation
  • Disbility accessible software development
  • UNIX Programming
  • Software Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing
  • Experimental design and statistical data analysis
  • Information storage and retrieval algorithms
  • Writing, editing, formatting, and presentation skills
  • French (working knowledge)
  • Photography (digital and film) and video amateur

Artifacts Developed

2001-2013 WorldCat.org is an open access web interface to the world's largest bibliographic database of library holdings.
1999-2000 FirstSearch User Interface Architecture is a web-based system for bibliographic and full text retrieval for many levels of users, in many lanaguges, available on many Web platforms.
1998 Web-Based User Interface Evaluation with Questionnaires is a perl CGI script that reads questionnaires and options from files and form data, administers a questionnaire, and e-mails data to the administrator,
1995 Human Factors Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction is an edited collection of the best HCI papers from the HFES annual meeting proceedings of 1983-1994 (co-edited with Georgia Green and Mike Wogalter).
1993- The HCI Education Survey is an online database describing 77 graduate education programs, 193 faculty, and 174 courses on human-computer interaction. The survey was designed and conducted entirely via electronic mail on the Internet (with Jean Gasen).
1990- The Semi-Structured Toolkit is a C function library that represents semi-structured information (e.g., mail, news, bibliographic / biographical information, calendars, etc.) as frame-like structures, and provides a comprehensive set of functions (e.g., search, sort, format) without imposing changes to proprietary file formats.
1989- The HCI Bibliography is a free access online bibliography on human-computer interaction. The database contains over 60,000 entries compiled over the Internet with the help of over 100 volunteers.
1987 NaviText SAM is a PC-based hypertext interface to MITRE's 944 guidelines on user interface development. The system, written in C, was made into a commercial product.
1980- |STAT is a data manipulation and analysis package of over 25 programs running on UNIX and DOS. Written in highly portable C in the early 1980s, it has been in use on dozens of platforms on thousands of machines around the world.

Publications and Presentations

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