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Gary Perlman's Home Page

Gary Perlman develops useful and usable information systems. He worked on research and development for OCLC (oclc.org) on FirstSearch and WorldCat.org usability, accessibility, and translation. Directing the HCI Bibliography (hcibib.org), he is the world's leading organizer of information resources on human-computer interaction. He is the author of |STAT, a statistical package running on UNIX/Linux, DOS, and Macs for longer than many of its users have been alive.

Last updated:   Accesses since 1998-03-01:

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(Picture of Gary Perlman, 2010) Hello, I am Gary Perlman and I work on making information more useful and usable by people. I worked at OCLC for 17 years, where I worked on research and development of human factors of bibliographic and full-text retrieval systems, notably OCLC's FirstSearch and WorldCat services.

Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, I lived in the United States for 30 years and moved back in the summer of 2003.

Most people will want to go to my page of resources on human-computer interaction (like the HCI Bibliography) and empirical methods (like the |STAT data analysis package). My user interface questionnaire page is also popular.

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