PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME validata - validate and report columnar file consistency
SYNOPSIS validata
DESCRIPTION validata reads a file from the standard input and for each column in its input, reports statistics about the data type of fields (whether a column contains alphanumeric strings, integers, real numbers, or something else). validata also reports the maximum and minimum values of the columns; validata is useful to check data files for consistency before input to some data analysis program because it detects missing columns or columns of the wrong type, such as non-numeric input.
OPTIONS The following standard help options are supported. The program exits after displaying the help.
Display limits
Display options and values
Display version number and date
series  1  100  |  dm  x1  RAND  "x1^.5"  |  validata
Col  N    NA   alnum  alpha  int    float  other  type  min     max
1    100  0    100    0      100    100    0      int   1       100
2    100  0    0      0      0      100    0      float 0.0123  0.9836
3    100  0    10     0      10     100    0      float 1       10
SEE ALSO sort, grep, uniq, and diff are also useful for checking data
dm can check a variety of conditions in data
transpose can transpose the output
LIMITS Use the -L option to determine the program limits.
UPDATED February 3, 1987