PACKAGE |STAT Data Manipulation and Analysis, by Gary Perlman
NAME stats - print summary statistics
SYNOPSIS stats [-v] [n min max sum ss mean var sd skew kurt se]
DESCRIPTION stats prints summary statistics on the data read from the standard input. The data can be in any format, as long as some white space separates the input values. Non-numerical input values are ignored, so care must be taken to insure that the input is correct.
OPTIONS With no options, stats prints a summary table of statistic names and values separated by a tab delimited = sign. When options are supplied, stats prints only the value of the statistics requested, in the order they were requested, on one line.
Verbose output. This option causes requested statistics to be printed in name=value format.
The number of real or integer values read in. If no values are read in, then all statistics are zero. If one value is read in, or if the variance of the distribution is zero, then all the higher order statistics are zero.
The minimum value.
The maximum value.
The sum of the input values.
The sum of squares of the input values.
The arithmetic average: sum/n.
The variance of the input, computed with "n-1" degrees of freedom.
The square root of the variance.
The skewness of the distribution, as computed by SPSS and desc.
The kurtosis or pointiness of the distribution. Normal distributions have a kurtosis of 3.
The standard error of the input values.
Print the number of missing (NA) values. Missing data are counted but not included in the analysis.

The following standard help options are supported. The program exits after displaying the help.
Display limits
Display options and values
Display version number and date
EXAMPLES Print the standard error of the mean:
stats sd n | dm "x1 / x2^.5"
Print the range of the data:
stats min max | dm x2-x1
Print the sum of the first 100 integers:
series 1 100 | stats sum
Print a t-test of the mean against 0.0:
stats mean se | dm x1/x2
SEE ALSO desc for univariate descriptive statistics and analysis.
ts for time series analysis.
UPDATED January 20, 1987