" /> |STAT Statistical Data Analysis : Data Analysis Program Overview
|STAT Statistical Data Analysis
Free Data Analysis Programs for UNIX and DOS
by Gary Perlman
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Chapter 5: Data Analysis

Each of the analysis programs are introduced, showing some, but not all of their options. Full documentation can be found in the manual entries. Details about the procedures and assumptions are found in the references in the ALGORITHM sections of the manual entries. Most analysis programs allow summary statistics, inferential statistics. and simple graphics. In general, a program consists of all the analyses for a specific type of data. There are programs for univariate (single) distributions, multilevel, and multifactor analysis. Some simple analyses are possible by combining data manipulation and analysis programs. For example, Scheffe confidence intervals can be computed for means using the probdist and calc programs.

5.1 Table of Analysis Programs

  Descriptive Inferential Graphical
stats simple stats    
desc many stats t-test histogram
ts summary auto-correlation bar plot
oneway group stats (un)weighted between anova error barplots
rankind rank stats Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis fivenum plots
pair column stats, correlation paired t-test, simple regression scatter plot
regress variable stats, correlation linear regression, partial correlation residual output
rankrel rank stats, correlation Wilcoxon, Friedman  
anova cell stats mixed model ANOVA error bar plots
contab crosstabs chi-square, Fisher exact test  

5.2 stats: print summary statistics

stats prints summary statistics for its input. Its input is a free format series of strings from which it extracts only numbers for analysis. When a full analysis is not needed, the following names request specific statistics.

n  min  max  sum  ss  mean  var  sd  skew  kurt  se  NA
prompt: stats
stats: reading input from terminal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
n   =   10
NA  =   0
min =   1
max =   10
sum =   55
ss  =   385
mean    =   5.5
var =   9.16667
sd  =   3.02765
se  =   0.957427
skew    =   0
kurt    =   1.43836
prompt: series 1 100 | dm logx1 | stats min mean max
0   3.63739 4.60517

Manual for stats

5.3 desc: descriptions of a single distribution

desc describes a single distribution. Summary statistics, modifiable format histograms and frequency tables, and single distribution t-tests are supported. desc reads free format input, with numbers separated by any amount of white space (blank spaces, tabs, newlines). When order statistics are being printed, or when a histogram or frequency table is being printed, there is a limit to the number of input values that must be stored. Although system dependent, usually several thousand values can be stored.

An example input to desc is shown below.

3 3 4 4 7 7 7 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3  1  7 7
The call to desc includes many options: -o for Order statistics, - hcfp respectively for a Histogram, and a table with Cumulative Frequencies and Proportions, -m 0.5 to set the Minimum allowed value to 0.5, -M 8 to set the Maximum allowed value to 8, -i 1 to set the Interval width in the histogram and table to 1, and -t 5 to request a t-test with null mean equal to 5.
desc  -o  -hcfp  -m 0.5  -M 8  -i 1 -t 5
The output follows.
 Under Range    In Range  Over Range     Missing         Sum
           0          35           3           0     164.000
        Mean      Median    Midpoint   Geometric    Harmonic
       4.686       4.000       4.500       4.055       3.296
          SD   Quart Dev       Range     SE mean
       2.193       2.000       7.000       0.371
     Minimum  Quartile 1  Quartile 2  Quartile 3     Maximum
       1.000       3.000       4.000       7.000       8.000
        Skew     SD Skew    Kurtosis     SD Kurt
      -0.064       0.414       1.679       0.828
   Null Mean           t    prob (t)           F    prob (F)
       5.000      -0.848       0.402       0.719       0.402

Midpt    Freq     Cum    Prop     Cum
1.000       3       3   0.086   0.086 ***
2.000       3       6   0.086   0.171 ***
3.000       6      12   0.171   0.343 ******
4.000       6      18   0.171   0.514 ******
5.000       3      21   0.086   0.600 ***
6.000       3      24   0.086   0.686 ***
7.000       8      32   0.229   0.914 ********
8.000       3      35   0.086   1.000 ***

Manual for desc

5.4 ts: time series analysis and plots

ts performs simple analyses and plots for time series data. Its input is a free format stream of at most 1000 numbers. It prints summary statistics for the time series, allows rescaling of the size of the time series so that time series of different lengths can be compared, and optionally computes auto-correlations of the series for different lags. Auto-correlation analysis detects recurring trends in data. For example, an auto-correlation of lag 1 of a time series pairs each value with the next in the series. ts is best demonstrated on an oscillating sequence, the output from which is shown below. The call to ts includes several options: -c 5 requests autocorrelations for lags of 1 to 5, the -ps options request a time-series plot and statistics, and the -w 40 option sets the width of the plot to 40 characters.

ts  -c 5  -ps  -w 40
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
n       = 17
sum     = 49
ss      = 169
min     = 1
max     = 5
range   = 4
midpt   = 3
mean    = 2.88235
sd      = 1.31731
Lag      r    r^2    n'            F    df      p
  0  0.000  0.000    17        0.000    15  1.000
  1  0.667  0.444    16       11.200    14  0.005
  2 -0.047  0.002    15        0.028    13  0.869
  3 -0.701  0.491    14       11.590    12  0.005
  4 -1.000  1.000    13        0.000    11  0.000
  5 -0.698  0.487    12        9.507    10  0.012
1.000                              5.000

Manual for ts

5.5 oneway: one way analysis of variance

oneway performs a between-groups one-way analysis of variance. It is partly redundant with anova, but is provided to simplify analysis of this common experimental design. The input to oneway consists of each group's data, in free input format, separated by a special value called the splitter. Group sizes can differ, and oneway uses a weighted or unweighted (Keppel, 1973) means solution. At most 20 groups can be compared. When two groups are being compared, the -t option prints the significance test as a t-test. The program is based on a method of analysis described by Guilford and Fruchter (1978).

An example interactive session with oneway is shown below. The call to oneway includes the -s option with 999 as the value of the Splitting value between groups. The -u option request the unweighted means solution rather than the default weighted means solution. The - w 40 option requests an error bar plot of width 40. Meaningful names are given to the groups.

prompt: oneway  -s 999  -u  -w 40  less equal more
oneway: reading input from terminal:
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3
7 6 5 7 6 5
Name          N     Mean       SD      Min      Max
less          9    2.778    1.394    1.000    5.000
equal         9    3.889    0.782    3.000    5.000
more          6    6.000    0.894    5.000    7.000
Total        24    4.000    1.642    1.000    7.000

less      |<-======(==#==)=======---->             |
equal     |             <===(=#)====->             |
more      |                          <===(==#=)===>|
           1.000                              7.000

Unweighted Means Analysis:
Source           SS    df         MS        F     p
Between      41.333     2     20.667   17.755 0.000 ***
Within       24.444    21      1.164

Manual for oneway

5.6 rankind: rank-order analysis of independent groups

rankind prints rank-order summary statistics and compares independent group data using non-parametric methods. It is the non-parametric counterpart to the normal theory oneway program, and the input format to rankind is the same as for oneway. Each group's data are in free input format, separated by a special value, called the splitter. Like oneway, there are plots of group data, but rankind's show the minimum, 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, and the maximum. Significance tests include the median test, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test for ranks, and the Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance of ranks.

The following example is for the same data as in the example with oneway. The options to set the splitter and plot width are the same for both programs. Meaningful names are given to the groups.

prompt: rankind  -s 999  -w 40  less equal more
rankind: reading input from terminal:
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
3 4 5 4 3 4 5 4 3
7 6 5 7 6 5
             N   NA      Min      25%   Median      75%      Max
less         9    0     1.00     1.75     3.00     4.00     5.00
equal        9    0     3.00     3.00     4.00     4.25     5.00
more         6    0     5.00     5.00     6.00     7.00     7.00
Total       24    0     1.00     3.00     4.00     5.00     7.00

less      |<   ---------#------      >             |
equal     |             <-----#--    >             |
more      |                          <------#----->|
           1.000                              7.000

                 less  equal   more
        above       1      2      6      9
        below       6      3      0      9
                    7      5      6     18
        WARNING: 6 of 6 cells had expected frequencies less than 5
        chisq       9.771429     df   2      p  0.007554

        H (not corrected for ties)             13.337778
        Tie correction factor                   0.965652
        H (corrected for ties)                 13.812197
        chisq      13.812197     df   2      p  0.001002

Manual for rankind

5.7 pair: paired points analysis and plots

pair analyzes paired data by printing summary statistics and significance tests for two input variables in columns and their difference, correlation and simple linear regression, and plots. The test of the difference of the two columns against zero is equivalent to a paired t-test. The input consists of a series of lines, each with two paired points. When data are being stored for a plot, at most 1000 points can be processed.

An example input to pair is generated using the series and dm programs connected by pipes. The input to pair are the numbers 1 to 100 in column 1, and the square roots of those numbers in column 2. The dm built-in variable INLINE is used in a condition to switch the sign of the second column for the second half of the data. pair reads X-Y points and predicts Y (in column 2) with X (in column 1). The significance test of the difference of the columns against 0.0 is equivalent to a paired-groups t-test. The call to pair includes several options: -sp requests Statistics and a Plot, -w 40 sets the Width of the plot to 40 characters, and -h 15 sets the Height of the plot to 15 characters.

series 1 100 | dm x1 "(INLINE>50?-1:1)*x1^.5" | pair -sp -w 40 -h 15
                Column 1   Column 2   Difference
Minimums          1.0000   -10.0000       0.0000
Maximums        100.0000     7.0711     110.0000
Sums           5050.0000  -193.3913    5243.3913
SumSquares   338350.0000  5049.9989  395407.6303
Means            50.5000    -1.9339      52.4339
SDs              29.0115     6.8726      34.8845
t(99)            17.4069    -2.8140      15.0307
p                 0.0000     0.0059       0.0000

Correlation    r-squared      t(98)            p
    -0.8226       0.6767   -14.3219       0.0000
  Intercept        Slope
     7.9070      -0.1949

|              323232                    |
|        123232                          |
|     2322                               |
|  223                                   |
|221                                     |
|1                                       |
|                                        |
|                                        |Column 2
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                    2322                |
|                       123232321        |
|                               223232323|
1.000                              100.000
            Column 1  r=-0.823

Manual for pair

5.8 rankrel: rank-order analysis of related groups

rankrel prints rank-order summary statistics and compares data from related groups. It is the non-parametric counterpart to parts of the normal theory pair and regress programs. Each group's data are in a column, separated by whitespace. Instead of normal theory statistics like mean and standard deviation, the median and other quartiles are reported. Significance tests include the binomial sign test, the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test for matched pairs, and the Friedman two-way analysis of variance of ranks.

The following (transposed) data are contained in the file siegel.79, and are based on the example on page 79 of Siegel (1956). The astute analyst will notice that the last datum in column 2 in Siegel's book is misprinted as 82.

82 69   73   43   58   56   76   65
63 42   74   37   51   43   80   62
When the output contains a suggestion to consult a table of computed exact probability values, it is because the continuous chi-square or normal approximation may not be adequate. Siegel (1956) notes that the normal approximation for the probability of the computed Wilcoxon T statistic is excellent even for small samples such as the one above. Once again, the astute analyst will see the flaw in Siegel's analysis when he uses a normal approximation; he fails to use a correction for continuity.
prompt: rankrel control prisoner < siegel.79
             N   NA      Min      25%   Median      75%      Max
control      8    0    43.00    57.00    67.00    74.50    82.00
prisoner     8    0    37.00    42.50    56.50    68.50    80.00
Total       16    0    37.00    47.00    62.50    73.50    82.00

Binomial Sign Test:
        Number of cases control is above prisoner:   6
        Number of cases control is below prisoner:   2
        One-tail probability (exact)            0.144531

Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test:
    Comparison of control and prisoner
        T (smaller ranksum of like signs)       4.000000
        N (number of signed differences)        8.000000
        z                                       1.890378
        One-tail probability approximation      0.029354
        NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied
        Check a table for T with N = 8

Friedman Chi-Square Test for Ranks:
        Chi-square of ranks                     2.000000
        chisq       2.000000     df   1      p  0.157299
        Check a table for Friedman with N = 8

Spearman Rank Correlation (rho) [corrected for ties]:
        Critical r (.05) t approximation        0.706734
        Critical r (.01) t approximation        0.834342
        Check a table for Spearman rho with N = 8
        rho                                     0.785714

Manual for rankrel

5.9 regress: multiple correlation/regression

regress performs a multiple linear correlation and regression analysis. Its input consists of a series of lines, each with an equal number of columns, one column per variable. In the regression analysis, the first column is predicted with all the others. There are options to print the matrix of sums of squares and the covariance matrix. There is also an option to perform a partial correlation analysis to see the contribution of individual variables to the whole regression equation. The program is based on a method of analysis described by Kerlinger & Pedhazur (1973). Non-linear regression models are possible using transformations with |STAT utilities like dm. The program can handle up to 20 input columns, but the width of the output for more than 10 is awkward.

The following artificial example predicts a straight line with a log function, a quadratic, and an inverse function. The input to regress is created with series and dm. The call to regress includes the -p option to request a partial correlation analysis and meaningful names for most of the variables in the analysis. The output from regress includes summary statistics for each variable, a correlation matrix, the regression equation and the significance test of the multiple correlation coefficient, and finally, a partial correlation analysis to examine the contribution of individual predictors, after the others are included in the model.

series 1 20 | dm x1 logx1 x1*x1 1/x1 | regress -p linear log quad inverse
Analysis for 20 cases of 4 variables:
Variable       linear        log       quad    inverse
Min            1.0000     0.0000     1.0000     0.0500
Max           20.0000     2.9957   400.0000     1.0000
Sum          210.0000    42.3356  2870.0000     3.5977
Mean          10.5000     2.1168   143.5000     0.1799
SD             5.9161     0.8127   127.9023     0.2235

Correlation Matrix:
linear         1.0000
log            0.9313     1.0000
quad           0.9713     0.8280     1.0000
inverse       -0.7076    -0.9061    -0.5639     1.0000
Variable       linear        log       quad    inverse

Regression Equation for linear:
linear  =  5.539 log  +  0.02245 quad  +  6.764 inverse  +  -5.66305

Significance test for prediction of linear
    Mult-R  R-Squared      SEest    F(3,16)   prob (F)
    0.9996     0.9993     0.1707  7603.7543     0.0000

Significance test(s) for predictor(s) of linear
Predictor     beta         b       Rsq        se     t(16)         p
log         0.7609    5.5389    0.9684    0.2709   20.4478    0.0000
quad        0.4854    0.0225    0.8795    0.0009   25.4555    0.0000
inverse     0.2555    6.7638    0.9314    0.6688   10.1139    0.0000

Manual for regress

5.10 anova: multi-factor analysis of variance

anova performs analysis of variance with one random factor and up to nine independent factors. Both within-subjects and unequal-cells between- subjects factors are supported. Nested factors, other than those involving the random factor, are not supported. The input format is simple: each datum is preceded by a description of the conditions under which the datum was obtained. For example, if subject 3 took 325 msec to respond to a loud sound on the first trial, the input line to anova might be:

s3  loud  1  325
From input lines of this format, anova infers whether a factor is within- or between-subjects, prints cell means for all main effects and interactions, and prints standard format F tables with probability levels. The computations done in anova are based on a method of analysis described by Keppel (1973), however, for unequal cell sizes on between-groups factors, the weighted-means solution is used instead of Keppel's preferred unweighted solution. The weighted-means solution requires that sample sizes must be in constant proportions across rows and columns in interactions of between- subjects factors or else the analysis may be invalid.

An example input to anova is shown below. The call to anova gives meaningful names to the columns of its input. The output from anova contains cell statistics for all systematic sources (main effects and interactions), a summary of the design, and an F-table.

anova subject noise trial RT
s1   loud   1   259
s1   loud   2   228
s2   soft   1   526
s2   soft   2   480
s3   loud   1   325
s3   loud   2   315
s4   soft   1   418
s4   soft   2   397
SOURCE: grand mean
noise  trial     N       MEAN         SD         SE
                 8   368.5000   104.8713    37.0776

SOURCE: noise
noise  trial     N       MEAN         SD         SE
loud             4   281.7500    46.1257    23.0629
soft             4   455.2500    58.8749    29.4374

SOURCE: trial
noise  trial     N       MEAN         SD         SE
       1         4   382.0000   116.0603    58.0302
       2         4   355.0000   108.1943    54.0971

SOURCE: noise trial
noise  trial     N       MEAN         SD         SE
loud   1         2   292.0000    46.6690    33.0000
loud   2         2   271.5000    61.5183    43.5000
soft   1         2   472.0000    76.3675    54.0000
soft   2         2   438.5000    58.6899    41.5000

FACTOR:    subject      noise      trial         RT
LEVELS:          4          2          2          8

SOURCE           SS  df            MS        F      p
mean   1086338.0000   1  1086338.0000  145.111  0.007 **
s/n      14972.5000   2     7486.2500

noise    60204.5000   1    60204.5000    8.042  0.105
s/n      14972.5000   2     7486.2500

trial     1458.0000   1     1458.0000   10.942  0.081
ts/n       266.5000   2      133.2500

nt          84.5000   1       84.5000    0.634  0.509
ts/n       266.5000   2      133.2500

Manual for anova

5.11 contab: contingency tables and chi-square

contab supports the analysis of multifactor designs with categorical data. Contingency tables (also called crosstabs) and chi-square test of independence are printed for all two-way interactions of factors. The method of analysis comes from several sources, especially Bradley (1968), Hays (1973), and Siegel (1956). The input format is similar to that of anova: each cell count is preceded by labels indicating the level at which that frequency count was obtained. Below are fictitious data of color preferences of boys and girls:

boys      red       3
boys      blue      17
boys      green     4
boys      yellow    2
boys      brown     10
girls     red       12
girls     blue      10
girls     green     5
girls     yellow    8
girls     brown     1
contab  sex  color
FACTOR:        sex      color       DATA
LEVELS:          2          5         72

color      count
red           15
blue          27
green          9
yellow        10
brown         11
Total         72
        chisq      15.222222     df   4      p  0.004262

SOURCE: sex color
             red    blue   green  yellow   brown  Totals
boys           3      17       4       2      10      36
girls         12      10       5       8       1      36
Totals        15      27       9      10      11      72
Analysis for sex x color:
        WARNING: 2 of 10 cells had expected frequencies < 5
        chisq      18.289562     df   4      p  0.001083
        Cramer's V                              0.504006
        Contingency Coefficient                 0.450073

Manual for contab

5.12 dprime: d'/beta for signal detection data

dprime computes d' (a measure of discrimination of stimuli) and beta (a measure of response bias) using a method of analysis discussed in Coombs, Dawes, & Tversky (1970). The input to dprime can be a series of lines, each with two paired indicators: the first tells if a signal was present and the second tells if the observer detected a signal. From that, dprime computes the hit-rate (the proportion of times the observer detected a signal that was present), and the false-alarm-rate (the proportion of times the observer reported a signal that was not present). If the hit-rate and the false-alarm-rate are known, then they can be supplied directly to the program:

prompt: dprime .7 .4
  hr       far     dprime      beta
0.70      0.40       0.78      0.90
The input in raw form, with the true stimulus (Was a signal present or just noise?) in column 1 and the observer's response (Did the observer say there was a signal?) in column 2, is followed by the output.
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    yes
signal    no
signal    no
signal    no
noise     yes
noise     yes
noise     no
noise     no
noise     no
dprime would produce for the above data:
          signal   noise
yes         7        2
 no         3        3

  hr       far     dprime      beta
0.70      0.40       0.78      0.90

Manual for dprime

© 1986 Gary Perlman
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