ACM SIGCHI HCI Education Survey Report: Programs

Generated 98-06-16 and available via the WWW at: For more information, send mail to
This report contains details of all the programs in the survey, sorted by program code. The report begins with a table of contents containing: Entries in the main part of the report begin with the program code, the shortname, and:
Contact: the name and title of the person to contact about the HCI program (see the data file for the program for application information)
Email: the electronic mail address of the contact
Phone: the phone number of the contact
Fax: the FAX number of the contact
Address: tha mailing address of the contact
Degrees: degrees offered by the program
Hci_Theses: recent (last five years) theses in HCI
HCI_Students: current HCI students at PhD and Masters levels
Description: description of the program's academic unit
Facilities: computing and other facilities of the unit
Program: description of the HCI program in the unit
WWW: Web page of the HCI program
HCI_Faculty: name (and email) of HCI faculty in the unit
Other_Faculty: names (and possibly other information) of other HCI faculty at the institution, but not in the academic unit
Updated: Date of last update of the information about the unit
  1. Univ. of Alabama, Computer Science
  2. Bowling Green State Univ., Computer Science
  3. Bond Univ., Information Technology
  4. Brunel University, Computer Science
  5. Brigham Young Univ., Computer Science
  6. Univ. of Calgary, Computer Science
  7. Univ. of Canberra, Information Sciences & Engineering
  8. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Computer Science
  9. Carnegie Mellon Univ., Department of Design
  10. Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Computer Science
  11. Columbia Univ., Computer Science
  12. Darmstadt Univ., Computer Science (Informatik)
  13. DePaul Univ., Dept. of CS and IS
  14. Drexel Univ., Information Studies
  15. Drexel Univ., Psych/Soc/Anthro
  16. Georgia Institute of Technology, Computing
  17. University of Geneva, Psychology and Educational Sciences
  18. Univ. of Glasgow, Computer Science
  19. George Mason Univ., Info. & Software Systems Eng.
  20. George Mason Univ., Psychology
  21. Georgia State Univ., Math and Computer Science
  22. Univ. of Guelph, Computing & Information Science
  23. Univ. of Haifa, Psychology
  24. Heriot-Watt Univ., Computing and Electrical Engineering
  25. Linkoping Univ., Computer Science
  26. Univ. of Liverpool, Computer Science
  27. Loughborough University, Computer Studies
  28. Univ. of Maribor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
  29. Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science
  30. Univ. of Maryland, Psychology
  31. Massey Univ., Computer Science
  32. McGill Univ., Computer Science
  33. Univ. of Michigan, Computer & Information Systems
  34. Univ. of Michigan, Elec. Eng. & Computer Science
  35. Univ. of Minnesota, Computer Science
  36. MIT, Sloan School of Management
  37. Moscow State Univ., Psychology
  38. New Mexico State Univ., Psychology
  39. Nova SE. Univ., Computer & Info. Sciences
  40. Ohio State Univ., Industrial & Systems Eng.
  41. Univ. Oldenburg, Informatics
  42. Open Univ., Computing
  43. Univ. of Oregon, Computer and Info. Science
  44. Univ. of Pittsburgh, Library & Information Science
  45. Portland State Univ., Computer Science
  46. Univ. of Portsmouth, Psychology
  47. Univ. of London, CMW, Dept. of Computer Science
  48. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer Science
  49. Stanford Univ., Computer Science
  50. Univ. of Sussex, Cognitive & Computing Sciences
  51. Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Computer Science
  52. Univ. of Tampere, Computer Science
  53. Texas A&M Univ., Computer Science
  54. Univ. of Toronto, Computer Science
  55. Univ. of Toronto, Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education
  56. Univ. of Toronto, Library & Information Science
  57. Technical Univ. of Nova Scotia, Computer Science
  58. Univ. of California at Irvine, Info. and Computer Science
  59. University College London, Ergonomics
  60. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Info. & Library Sci.
  61. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Computer Science & Eng.
  62. Univ. of New South Wales, Computer Science & Eng.
  63. Univ. of Southern California, Computer Science
  64. Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville, Computer Science
  65. Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Computer Science
  66. Univ. of Western Australia, Elec. Engineering
  67. Univ. West England, Computing
  68. Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Information Systems
  69. Univ. of Virginia, Computer Science
  70. Virginia Tech., Computer Science
  71. Vrije Univ., Computer Science
  72. Univ. of Waikato, Computer Science
  73. Univ. of Washington, Computer Science & Eng.
  74. Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Computer Science
  75. Wichita State Univ., Psychology
  76. Univ. of York, Psychology

Univ. of Alabama, Computer Science
Contact: Marcus Brown, Assistant Professor
Phone: (205) 348-5243
Fax: (205) 348-8573
Address: University of Alabama Computer Science Box 870290 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA
Degrees: BS, MS, PhD in CS
Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 3
Description: The U of Alabama CS Dept has strengths in SE, AI and DB as well as HCI. HCI courses are also available through Industrial Engineering.
Facilities: Graduate students have access to 60 IBM RS/6000 color graphics workstations as well as PCs, AT&T and IBM mainframe access.
HCI Faculty
  1. Marcus Brown (

Bowling Green State Univ., Computer Science
Contact: Barbee Teasley, Professor
Phone: +01-419-372-2339
Fax: +01-419-372-8061
Address: Computer Science Dept. Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 USA
Degrees: MS in CS
Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: na Masters: 2
Current_HCI_Students: PhD: na Masters: 6
Description: The CS department at Bowling Green State University offers specializations in software engineering, data telecommunications and operations research. The software engineering specialization is designed for students who want a focused study of software engineering. One component of this program is the study of human-computer interaction.
Facilities: The university provides access to VAX and IBM mainframes, Sun workstations, a graphics lab, and both IBM and Macintosh microcomputers. The department has a student lab with about 15 Macintoshs and 15 Sun workstations. In addition, each graduate student office is equipped with a Macintosh with communications to all campus mainframes and/or a Sun workstation. The Computer-Human Interaction Lab (CHIL), within the department, has four Macintosh ci's, one Macintosh Quadra, video equipment and facilities for behavioral research.
Program: Although the department does not offer a degree specialization in HCI, two faculty members and one full-time staff member are actively involved in research in this area. There are currently two assistantships offered with the primary duty of research in HCI. In addition to the three staff members, there are typically three to six graduate students comprising the HCI group.
HCI Faculty
  1. Barbee Teasley (
  2. Laura Marie Leventhal (

Bond Univ., Information Technology
Contact: Michael Rees, Associate Professor
Phone: +61 75 953351
Fax: +61 75 953320
Address: IT, Bond University, Queensland 4229, AUSTRALIA
Degrees: Master of Information Technology (MIT), MSc, PhD
Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 5
Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 0
Description: HCCC concentrates on UI design and implementation with some UI usability testing. Research staff are strong in prototyping and user interface management systems, particularly on the Macintosh and Unix platforms. Members of the Interface Design Group also work in the Cooperative Research Centre for Distributed Systems Technology in the area of distributed user interface architectures and distributed teamwork.
  • about 30 Decstation and X terminals linked to about 4 Decsystem servers
  • Mac LC/Centris and 486 PC laboratories for teaching and student use
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI and UI design ranks as the largest topic area. Others areas include CSCW, Resource Discovery, Software Engineering.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Michael Rees (
    2. Renato Iannella (
    3. Andrew Lee (
    4. Sandrine Balbo (

    Brunel University, Computer Science
    Contact: Keith Goss, Research Convenor/Lecturer
    Phone: (+44) 895 274000x2121
    Fax: (+44) 895 251686
    Address: Department of Computer Science, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH, UK
    Degrees: MSc, MPhil, PhD in Computer Science, Simulation Modelling, Software Engineering, Information Systems
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 2
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 4
    Description: The Department of Computer Science is developing programs in Simulation Modelling, Human Interface Design, Information Systems and Information and Document Management. Several HCI-related courses are included in these programs: Human Interface Design, HCI and Graphics, Interactive Systems Design, Visual Information Environments, and Personal Information Management. The Department has over 25 PhD research students and 60 MSc students on full and part-time programs. The Department has within it The Centre for Computers in Law and Finance, The Centre for Document Management and the Centre for Applied Simulation Modelling. These centres undertake applied industrially-sponsored research and provide students with dissertation topics and the opportunity to collaborate with established researchers.
    Facilities: The Department has over 100 networked PCs, 12 Sparcstations and a network of 30 Macs, and is affiliated with the computer centre which houses the University computing resources.
    Program: HCI is one area of specialisation.
    HCI Faculty

    Brigham Young Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Dan Olsen, Professor
    Phone: +01-801-378-2225
    Fax: +01-801-378-7775
    Address: 3366 TMCB Provo, UT 84602 USA
    Degrees: BS, MS, Ph.D. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 16
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 7
    Description: The BYU CS department is strong in user interface software, computer graphics, computer vision and machine learning. The primary emphasis in the user interface software area is in software architectures and algorithms to support user interface development.
    Facilities: The CS department has a large number of workstations including Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard and Digital. There is a media unit including high resolution scanners, color printers and video editing equipment.
    Program: HCI software architectures is one of the areas of graduate research in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Dan Olsen (

    Univ. of Calgary, Computer Science
    Contact: Saul Greenberg, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-403-220-6087
    Fax: +01-403-284-4707
    Address: Department of Computer Science, The University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta CANADA T2N 1N4
    Degrees: BSc, MSc, Ph.D
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: The Department of Computer Science is strong in many areas. Research specialities include Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Graphics, Knowledge Acquisition, History of Computing, Complexity of Computation, Formal Verification, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Distributed Computing, Numerical Computation, and Simulation.
    Facilities: The Department of Computer Science has a large number of facilities. The equipment that most people see are large labs of Sun workstations (for undergraduates), and research labs of high-end Sun, SGI, and Macintosh workstations (for graduates). A partial list of the equipment includes:
  • 4 Sun 4 file fileservers and one Iris 4D35 connected via a 100 MB FDDI ring network
  • 85 Sun workstations (most are Sparkstations or higher)
  • 6 Silicon Graphics IRIS workstations
  • 8 Macintoshes
  • 4 IBM PC's
  • BBN Butterfly parallel processor 12 nodes
  • Animation equipment, Lyon Lamb RGB / NTSC encoder and animation controller.
  • Sony VO 9850 3/4" Frame grab recorder.
  • Computer graphics slide making machine.
  • EXCALIBER robot arm
  • Remote modem access 2400 Baud
  • Many laser printers
  • 36" and 12" plotters
  • Hi-8 Video camera and editing suite
  • 40" Mitshubishi monitor with and attached dedicated Mac (for group use)
  • and a whole slew of other equipment. As well, faculty have their own workstations and specialized equipment, and Computer Services (a separate entity) supplies large IBM and Macintosh labs, as well as an AIX environment.
  • WWW:
    Program: The department has a very strong history of working in HCI (~ 15 years!). and many faculty have either direct or incidental interest in the area. HCI research pursued in the department is quite varied, and include:
  • information visualization and management
  • personalizable and adaptive interfaces
  • computer supported cooperative work
  • groupware toolkits
  • speech synthesis
  • hypermedia
  • knowledge support systems
  • intelligent agents
  • programming by demonstration
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Saul Greenberg (
    2. Brian Gaines (
    3. David Hill (
    4. Mildred Shaw (
    5. Ian Witten (

    Univ. of Canberra, Information Sciences & Engineering
    Contact: Penny Collings, Head of Information Systems Group
    Phone: +61 6 201 2423
    Fax: +61 6 201 5231
    Address: Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering University of Canberra PO Box 1, Belconnen, ACT 2616, Australia
    Degrees: Graduate Diploma in Information Systems; Grad. Dip. in Computing Studies, MS, Ph.D., Masters of Information Technology (by coursework)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 0
    Description: The Faculty has a professional and applied focus and has expertise in HCI, in relation to socio-technical systems design, user interface design, hypertext, VR and CSCW; also graphics and user interface management systems. We offer graduate diplomas (above) to students with a first degree in another discipline. We have recently started to offer Ph.D and masters work. In our graduate diplomas students take just one unit in HCI (out of 8). There is also an honours year (post-graduate) and a unit in HCI is also offered there. Our Masters by Coursework offers a specialisation in HCI and starts in March, 1995.
    Facilities: About 200 X 486 (PCs), Suns, no MACs; fully equipped usability testing lab and behavioural simulation suite; design room.
    Program: HCI is one area of specialisation in the faculty, others include database, graphics, software engineering, knowledge-based systems, information systems design.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Penny Collings (
    2. Jan Newmarch ()
    3. Terry Webb ()

    Carnegie Mellon Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Bonnie E. John, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-412-268-7182
    Fax: +01-412-681-5739
    Address: School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
    Degrees: Masters of Software Engineering, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 10 Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 6 Masters:
    Description: CMU-SCS has four official areas of concentration, AI, theory, programming systems and computer systems (i.e., hardware). HCI has traditionally been done under the auspices of AI (e.g., cognitive modeling, intelligent interfaces, speech recognition interfaces, etc.) or programming systems (e.g., user interface management and development tools, advanced programming environments, etc.).
    Facilities: CMU-SCS has over 500 machines, including 40 timeshared machines, DEC workstations, IBM RTs, Suns, Macintoshes, etc. The CMU-Internet, a fully-interconnected, multi-media, multi-protocol infrastructure, connects them all.
    Program: CMU-SCS has about thirty faculty members actively researching the HCI areas of human information processing, interactive techniques, devices and modalities, analysis and evaluation methods, user interface software design and implementation systems, intelligent interfaces, and computer-supported cooperative work. The faculty of Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science who are interested in HCI have produced a position paper about the role of HCI at CMU-SCS. This paper is available via anonymous ftp, as per the following instructions.
  • Bonnie E. John, Philip L. Miller, Brad A. Myers, Christine M. Neuwirth, and Steven A. Shafer (Eds.) "Human-Computer Interaction in the School of Computer Science" October 1992, CMU-CS-92-193 Abstract: The SCS faculty interested in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) presents its position on what role HCI can play in Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science. We present a short description of the need for HCI research and recommend a task/human/computer approach to satisfying that need. After presenting illustrative research scenarios, we draw implications of adopting this approach for our research and educational programs. SCS is well positioned to implement this approach, given the interests and skills of our faculty and faculty in other organizations at CMU. We recommend that the Computer Science Department form a new area in HCI. This document represents a collaborative effort on the part of the SCS faculty interested in Human-Computer Interaction, with major contributions from David Garlan, Wilfred J. Hansen, Michael L. Horowitz, Bonnie E. John, Roy A. Maxion, Philip L. Miller, James H. Morris, Brad A. Myers, Christine M. Neuwirth, Dean A. Pomerleau, Steven F. Roth, Steven A. Shafer, Mary Shaw, and Maria G. Wadlow DIRECTIONS FOR ANONYMOUS FTP: 1) Ftp to ( as "anonymous". 2) At the password prompt, send your Username@site (you must include the "@" or the login will fail) 3) Then "cd 1992" (the directory for 1992 technical reports) 4) Use the standard ftp commands, such as "get", "cd", "ls", etc. 5) The reports are in postscript format (.ps). The index file is called README.mss. The reports are listed in the directory by their example,, and so on. The majority of the files are not compressed, although any compressed files will be listed as . A very few reports have been broken down into multiple postscript files. They will appear as,, etc. The README.mss will indicate the reports that have multiple .ps files. 6) This position paper is 7) When you have finished copying the files you need, simply "quit."
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Bonnie E. John (
    2. Gregory Abowd (
    3. Dario A. Giuse (
    4. Roy A. Maxion (
    5. Brad A. Myers (
    6. Dean Rubine (
    7. Steven A. Shafer (
    8. Mary Shaw (

    Carnegie Mellon Univ., Department of Design
    Contact: Daniel Boyarski, Professor
    Phone: +01-412-268-6842
    Fax: +01-412-268-3088
    Address: Department of Design Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA USA
    Degrees: Planned HCI Master's in 1994
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    HCI Faculty
    1. Daniel Boyarski (

    Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, Computer Science
    Contact: Clayton Lewis, Professor
    Phone: +01-303-492-6657
    Fax: +01-303-492-2844
    Address: CB 430 University of Colorado Boulder CO 80309 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 8 Masters: 2
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 12 Masters: 2
    Description: Department foci include HCI, Scientific and parallel computing, neural nets, and theory. Collaboration with Psychology and Linguistics under the aegis of the Institute of Cognitive Science is common.
    Facilities: Exceptional support for parallel computing; lots of workstations; fledgling virtual reality lab.
    Program: HCI foci include knowledge-based design environments, new approaches to programming, cognitive modelling, design and evaluation methods, learning, natural language processing. Faculty include Mike Eisenberg, Gerhard Fischer, Clayton Lewis, James Martin. In addition to the courses listed below we offer a shifting collection of seminars.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Clayton Lewis (
    2. Gerhard Fischer (

    Columbia Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Steven Feiner, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-212-939-7083
    Fax: +01-212-666-0140
    Address: 450 Computer Science Building 500 West 120th St. New York, NY 10027 USA
    Degrees: M.S., Ph.D. in Computer Science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 7 Masters: 3
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 10 Masters: 5
    Description: Columbia's Department of Computer Science has strengths in a variety of experimental and theoretical disciplines, including: algorithmic analysis, computational complexity, software tool design, distributed computation, computer modeling and performance evaluation, computer networks, computer architecture and VLSI design, computer graphics, user interfaces, natural language processing, programming environments, expert systems, computer vision, robotics, artificial intelligence, combinatorial modeling, and mobile computing.
    Facilities: Department computer facilities include hundreds of Sun, HP, IBM, and DEC workstations and file servers. Five four-processor Sun Sparc 630 machines are the department's general purpose computers, and we are about to acquire an 8-processor HP 735 cluster computer. Our student research labs are equipped with 18 Sun color IPXs and 18 Tektronix XP334 X terminals. The Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Laboratory has several high-performance HP 3D graphics workstations, a VPL DataGlove, several 3D tracking systems (including a four-receiver extended range Ascension Flock of Birds and three Logitech ultrasonic trackers), two StereoGraphics CrystalEyes 3D stereo systems, a custom-built see-through head-mounted display, and a Crystal River Beachtron 3D sound processor.
    Program: HCI research in Columbia's Department of Computer Science concentrates on research in computer graphics and user interfaces (including knowledge-based graphics, virtual worlds, and visualization), natural language processing (including language generation and statistical techniques for natural language), and multimedia (with emphasis on the use of AI techniques for coordinated generation of text and graphics).
    HCI Faculty
    1. Steven Feiner (
    2. Kathleen McKeown (

    Darmstadt Univ., Computer Science (Informatik)
    Contact: Hans-Juergen Hoffmann, (full) University Professor
    Phone: +49+6151+163410
    Fax: +49+6151+166648
    Address: Technische Hochschule Darmstadt FB Informatik, FG PU Alexanderstr. 10 D-64283 Darmstadt GERMANY
    Degrees: Diplominformatiker (Dipl.-Inform.), Dr.-Ing., Dr. rer. nat.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 25
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 4
    Description: The Unit/Center, working since 1971, has the mission in academic teaching and research on Programming Languages and Compilers in general. Since many years interactive access to computers and support of such access by appropriate programming systems and tools is emphasized.
    Facilities: PCs, SUN- and HP-workstations, SYMBOLICS Lisp-machines.
    Program: special, second level courses in HCI integrated with the Computer Science Programme of the department
    HCI Faculty
    1. Hans-Juergen Hoffmann (

    DePaul Univ., Dept. of CS and IS
    Contact: Andrew Sears, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-312-362-8063
    Fax: +01-312-362-6116
    Address: Department of Computer Science 243 South Wabash Avenue DePaul University Chicago, IL 60604 USA
    Degrees: MS in CS, IS, MIS, SE, and Telecommunications, Ph.D in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 3
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 5
    Description: The faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems conduct research in many areas including Software Engineering, AI, Databases, Information Systems, Data Communications, and Visual Computing. Visual Computing is a concentration that includes computer vision, graphics, and human-computer interaction.
    Facilities: The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems offers a wide array of equipment including: numerous AI workstations, a computer vision and graphics lab, a telecommunications lab, and numerous microcomputers and UNIX workstations.
    Program: HCI is one of three areas of study within the Visual Computing concentration for the CS degree. Students have access to the Visual Computing Laboratory.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Andrew Sears (
    2. Rosalee Nerheim-Wolfe (

    Drexel Univ., Information Studies
    Contact: Margaret Christensen, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-215-895-2179
    Fax: +01-215-895-2494
    Address: CIS, Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
    Degrees: BSIS, MSIS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 4 Masters: (not a thesis degree)
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 10 Masters: 25
    Description: HCI, Information Systems
    Facilities: All incoming freshmen are required to own a Macintosh microcomputer. Many Macs of various types are available on campus. An IBM PC lab is used for teaching. A Resource Center has IBM PC's, Mac's, Unix workstations, on-line access to University IBM 9121 and SUN's.
    Program: HCI is studied within the context of an information systems program. Students take HCI courses at all levels. The following courses may be elected in the Psychology Department:
  • Psych 337, The Psychology of HCI (undergrad)
  • Psych 612, The Psychology of HCI Design (graduate)
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Margaret Christensen (
    2. Gary W. Strong (

    Drexel Univ., Psych/Soc/Anthro
    Contact: Tom Hewett, Professor
    Phone: USA +01-215-590-8616
    Fax: USA +01-215-590-8665
    Address: Department of Psych/Soc/Anthro Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in Psychology
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Description: The Drexel University Department of Psych/Soc/Anthro is particularly strong in the areas of Clinical Neuropsychology, Gerontology, and the appropriate use of computers as assistive technology, although the faculty in those areas do not focus on HCI. The College of Information Studies and the Department of Computer Science offer opportunities for course work in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
    Facilities: The Psych/Soc/Anthro Department has a number of Macintoshes and operates a Macintosh-based Introductory Psychology Lab using 20 High-end Macintoshes. The University supports universal student access to Macintoshes and provides access to Mainframe IBM and to Unix computing environments.
    Program: The Psychology of HCI is a course offering in the department at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Tom Hewett (

    Georgia Institute of Technology, Computing
    Contact: Al Badre, Professor
    Phone: +01-404-894-2598
    Fax: +01-404-853-0673
    Address: Georgia Institute of Technology Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center College of Computing 801 Atlantic Avenue Drive Atlanta, GA 30332-0280 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 6 Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 15 Masters:
    Description: The Georgia Tech College of Computing offers strong instructional and research programs in many fields including artificial intelligence and robotics, cognitive science, data bases, distributed systems, graphics and visualization, networking and telecommunications, parallel architectures, and software engineering. The College conducts an increasing number of interdisciplinary research and instructional programs jointly with other campus units.
    Facilities: The College maintains a variety of computer systems in support of its academic and research facilities including:
  • a 10-node Sequent Symmetry,S27, Sun and Hewlett-Packard systems used as a file and compute servers, Epoch file server, more than 200 workstation class machines.
  • the Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center (GVU) houses a variety of graphics and multimedia equipment, including high-performance systems from Silicon Graphics, Pixar, Sun, Digital, Apple and Intel.
  • several public-access clusters.
  • several specialized laboratories to support research areas.
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is one of 12 areas of specialization in the Ph.D. program of the College of Computing.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jim Foley (
    2. Al Badre (
    3. Scott Hudson (
    4. John Stasko (
    5. Noi Sukaviriya (

    University of Geneva, Psychology and Educational Sciences
    Contact: Pierre Dillenbourg, MER (= Assistant professor)
    Phone: +41-22-705.96.93
    Fax: +41-22-342.89.24
    Address: University of Geneva, 9 Route de Drize, 1227 Carouge, Switzerland
    Degrees: MS in Educational Technology
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Description: TECFA is a research unit in educational technology with an interest for multimedia courseware, distance education, the applications of AI to educational software, WWW, MUDS, ...
    Facilities: The unit has several PC, MACs and Suns Workstations.
    Program: HCI is one of the 10 courses in the postgraduate programme
    HCI Faculty
    1. Pierre Dillenbourg (

    Univ. of Glasgow, Computer Science
    Contact: Philip Gray, Lecturer in Computing Science
    Phone: +44 (31) 339 8855 x-4933
    Fax: +44 (31) 330 4913
    Address: Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ UK
    Degrees: BSc (Computing Science); MSc (Computing Science); MSc (Information Technology); PhD (Computing Science)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 4 Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 5 Masters: 0
    Description: There are four major research themes active in the department: database systems, functional programming, interactive systems and information retrieval. All four of these themes have substantial groups. The current activities of the interactive systems group, GIST (Glasgow Interactive Systems Centre), include computer graphics, animation and ui architectures and design tools, human performance measurement, minimal manuals and iconic representation of information. GIST is an interdisciplinary research group with active members in the Computing Science and Psychology Departments, among others.
    Facilities: 100 Sun workstations, 200 Macintoshes, multimedia lab
    Program: HCI is one of four specialised research areas in the Department. HCI is taught at all levels of the undergraduate programme and in postgraduate taught courses.
    HCI Faculty

    George Mason Univ., Info. & Software Systems Eng.
    Contact: Sandy Mayo, Secretary
    Phone: 703-993-1640
    Fax: 703-993-1638
    Address: ISSE Dept 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22032 USA
    Degrees: MS, PHD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: Software Engineering, Security, Information Systems
    HCI Faculty

    George Mason Univ., Psychology
    Contact: Wayne D. Gray, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-703-993-1344
    Fax: +01-703-993-1359
    Address: George Mason University m/s 3f5 Fairfax, VA 22030-4444 USA
    Degrees: M.A., Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 4 Masters: 10
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 10 Masters: 15
    Description: The HF/AC program focuses on issues of: cognitive ergonomics, cognitive task analysis, computational cognitive modeling (such as ACT-R), Usability Evaluation Methods, the psychology of programming, expertise, interface design, transportation, and telecommunications. The psychology program excels in the development of quantitative skills. Programming expertise is also emphasized.
    Facilities: In addition to an extensive array of department and university resources, students in the HF/AC program have access to the Human Factors lab run by Prof. Deborah Boehm-Davis and the Cognition-Artifact-Task (C-A-T) lab maintained by Prof. Wayne D. Gray. The Human Factors lab is PC-based and includes aviation simulators, access to driving simulators, connections to the university mainframe, and a library of current research periodicals. The C-A-T lab includes 5 etherneted Macintoshes (3 PowerMacs), laser printers, a web server, and connections to the university mainframe. Video equipment includes an A/V Mac, low-end professional quality VCR deck, and camera. Both labs include office space for Ph.D. students.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Deborah Boehm-Davis (
    2. Wayne D. Gray (

    Georgia State Univ., Math and Computer Science
    Contact: J. Morgan Morris, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +1-404-651-2253
    Fax: +1-404-651-2246
    Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Georgia State University University Plaza Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3083 USA
    Degrees: M.S. in Computer Science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: The GSU Mathematics and Computer Science department is strong in the areas of computer graphics, hypermedia, visualization, and usability. There are courses devoted to computer graphics, human-computer interaction, and data visualization. Sponsored research involves the study of current techniques and technologies to develop applications suited to a variety of tasks. The Hypermedia and Visualization Laboratory (HVL) was established to serve as a focal point for interdisciplinary projects. The HVL coordinates research and development in these areas and facilitates fund raising to support this research. The personnel at the Hypermedia and Visualization Laboratory work closely with members of other departments at GSU, including CIS (Computer Information Systems), education, and art.
    Facilities: The Wells Computer Center is available for students and includes:
  • numerous IBM-compatible personal computers
  • Macintosh computers
  • a scanner, a slide writer, and a CD-ROM writer
  • Two Silicon Graphics systems The Math and Computer Science Department also has the following:
  • Personal Computer laboratory
  • IBM RS/6000 workstations * Silicon Graphics Indigo workstation The HVL uses the following equipment and software:
  • Silicon Graphics and IMB RS/6000 workstations
  • Wavefront, Renderman and UNIX Image Utilities, IRIS Explorer Data Visualization system
  • Guide, Asymetrix Toolbook, 3D Studio 2, Hyperties, Autodesk Animator Pro, AutoCad
  • WWW:
    Program: While there is no separate HCI program for the Master's Degree, HCI is one of several areas represented in the department. HCI is considered to be an important part of a student's development, and most sponsored research projects involving the Hypermedia and Visualization Laboratory (HVL) have a large HCI component.
    HCI Faculty
    1. J. Morgan Morris (
    2. G. Scott Owen (

    Univ. of Guelph, Computing & Information Science
    Contact: Tom Carey,
    Phone: 519.824.4120 x3310
    Address: Reynolds Building University of Guelph Guelph Ontario CANADA N1G 2W1
    Degrees: M.Sc. (Ph.D. pending)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters: 17
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 10
    Facilities: the usual range of computers, with a preference for Mac's as the workstation of choice (also a variety of Pc's, NeXT's, other Unix workstations). HCI facilities include a usability lab with video recording, etc. and several pen-based workstations.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Tom Carey (
    2. Scott MacKenzie (
    3. Michael Matthews (
    4. James Bradford (
    5. Deb Fels (
    6. John Mitterer (

    Univ. of Haifa, Psychology
    Contact: Norman D. Schwalm, Head, Ergonomics & Human Factors Unit
    Phone: +972-4-249050
    Fax: +972-4-240546
    Address: Ergonomics & Human Factors Unit, Rm 221, University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31905, ISRAEL
    Degrees: B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 10
    Description: The Department of Psychology offers a variety of courses in sensation and perception, attention and performance, memory and information organization, human factors, decision-making, and HCI. Students specializing in human factors are integrated into ongoing projects in the Institute of Information Processing and Decision Making (IIPDM) and Ergonomics and Human Factors Unit (EHFU).
    Facilities: The IIPDM and EHFU have at their disposal a wide variety of computers and research tools for conducting research that spans the gamut of Cognitive Psychology and Human Factors.
  • Silicon Graphics workstations
  • Many PCs
  • Macintosh IIci
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is taught as part of Human Factors/Ergonomics and Cognitive Psychology courses
    HCI Faculty
    1. Norman D. Schwalm (

    Heriot-Watt Univ., Computing and Electrical Engineering
    Contact: Alistair Kilgour, Professor
    Phone: +44 31 451 3438
    Fax: +44 31 451 3431
    Address: Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland, UK
    Degrees: MSc, MPhil, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 5 Masters: 26
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 26
    Description: The principal research areas in the CS section of the department are multimedia systems, computer-based learning, object-oriented databases, knowledge based systems, and computer vision. All of these specialisms contribute to HCI courses and research.
    Facilities: Facilities include about 70 workstations and X terminals (40 Sun, 20 HP and 11 DEC), 30 PCs and 10 Macintosh systems with CD, video and audio capture capabilities.
    Program: HCI is one of the major specialisms in the CS section of the department. The department also hosts the Scottish HCI Centre, which focusses on HCI technology transfer and industrial consultancy.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Alistair Kilgour (
    2. Patrik O'Brien Holt (

    Linkoping Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Jonas Lowgren, Assisting Professor
    Phone: +46 13 281482
    Fax: +46 13 142231
    Address: Dept. of Computer Science Linkoping University S-581 83 Linkoping, SWEDEN
    Degrees: MSc, Licentiate, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 15
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 5
    Description: The computer science department is particularly strong in applied and theoretical AI. The HCI connection is mainly to be found in the Usability Matters research group, focusing on applied HCI research. HCI-relevant cognitive science is generally a strong point of the department. The University also has a department for interdisciplinary research into communication, where HCI from a psychological point of view is an important topic.
    Facilities: The computer science department has around 200 Sun-4 workstations for teaching and research. The main software platform is Open Windows 3.0 but X11/Motif is also used. There are several Macs, used mainly for word processing and presentations.
    Program: The HCI work within the department of computer science is mainly concerned with tools, techniques and methods for user-centered systems development.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jonas Lowgren (

    Univ. of Liverpool, Computer Science
    Contact: Dan Diaper, Lecturer
    Phone: +44 (0)51 794 3681
    Fax: +44 (0)51 794 3715
    Address: Department of Computer Science University of Liverpool P.O. Box 147 Liverpool L69 3BX UNITED KINGDOM
    Degrees: B.Sc., M.Sc. in Software Engineering; M.Sc. in Information Systems; Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 0
    Description: The Dept. of Computer Science at The University of Liverpool has strengths in many areas of computer science and staff research interests in: HCI, CSCW, hypertext and document systems, KBS and AI, software engineering, and microcomputer architectures. The two B.Sc. programs (G500 Computer Science and G520 Information Systems -- G520 is for students with a weaker Maths. background than G500) provide two years of solid, introductory computer science and then an explosion of options in the third year. HCI is a third year option, although closely related to the second year course in software engineering. The same HCI option is offered to M.Sc. students. Ph.D.s are by personal supervision. One year research M.Sc.s are available with optional conversion to a Ph.D.
    Facilities: The department is a Hewlett Packard preferred site and all students use HP workstations for virtually all their work. The department possesses more than 200 workstations, many in colour, and transparently networked. Some video equipment is available and the University has professional level studios.
    Program: Dan Diaper is responsible for all HCI teaching and research in the department, although he does collaborate with other staff members. Contact Dan Diaper in the first instance.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Dan Diaper (

    Loughborough University, Computer Studies
    Contact: Ernest Edmonds, Professor of Computer Studies
    Phone: +44 509 222690
    Fax: +44 509 610815
    Address: LUTCHI Research Centre, Department of Computer Studies, Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UNITED KINGDOM
    Degrees: MSc and Diploma (major in HCI), MPhil, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 14 Masters: 5
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 16 Masters: 9
    Description: The Department of Computer Studies has a history of successful research in many aspects of computing. In addition to areas covered by its principal research groups (Computer Human Interface Research Centre, Parallel Algorithm Research Centre, Midlands Regional Research Centre, and Graphics Design and Intelligent Systems group). Topics include: artificial intelligence knowledge-based systems, computer graphics, database technology, formal methods, human-computer interfaces, intelligent information management and retrieval, mathematical software, multi-media, numerical analysis, parallel and distributed computing, process control, simulation. The Department is actively involved in national and international research programmes and participates in collaborative research with industry and academic institutions in many countries throughout the world. Current research grants include funding from the SERC, ESRC, RACE and from industry. The LUTCHI Research Centre conducts multi-disciplinary research into future interactive computer systems. The principal focus is on support systems for professional people at work. This includes support for using existing systems through front ends, for the development of multimedia systems in process control and for amplifying individual human creativity. The use of pictures is central, and LUTCHI takes a particular interest in the employment of knowledge about human perception and cognition. LUTCHI's research expertise includes:
  • human-computer interfaces
  • knowledge-based systems
  • process control
  • multimedia
  • computer graphics
  • speech recognition
  • Facilities: The LUTCHI Research Centre offers well equipped hardware and software environments including SUN, HP, and Apple workstations, and has a full range of multimedia facilities including workstations fully equipped with video input.
    Program: LUTCHI is the largest research group in the department and is devoted to HCI research. The Department of Computer Studies at Loughborough University of Technology, UK, offers PhD and MPhil research programmes in HCI, and a taught MSc and Diploma in Interactive Computing System Design. In particular, the LUTCHI Research Centre operates two research laboratories: a multimedia lab and a knowledge-based systems lab.
    HCI Faculty
    1. E. A. Edmonds (
    2. J. L. Alty (
    3. J. H. Connolly (J.H.Connolly@lut
    4. A. A. Clarke (
    5. C.J. Hinde (

    Univ. of Maribor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
    Contact: Matjaz Debevc, Assistant
    Phone: +386 62 25-461
    Fax: +386 62 225-013
    Address: Faculty of Technical Sciences Smetanova 17 62000 Maribor SLOVENIA
    Degrees: B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 6
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 3
    Description: The department is occupied with a number of research fields. From the HCI point of view there are laboratories for pattern recognition and DSP, software design, computer graphics and information visualisation for control systems. Department offers "Man-machine Interaction" and Multimedia" course for the students of the last semester.
    Facilities: The Department has a large number of computers:
  • about 300 PC-s
  • 10 Macs
  • Laboratory for pattern recognition and DSP - 4 HP workstation
  • Laboratory for Control Engineering - 3 HP workstations
  • VAX 8800, VAX 4000-600, 2 VAX 4200
  • CONVEX C3220
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is one of about 4 areas of specialization in the department
    HCI Faculty
    1. Dali Donlagic (
    2. Matjaz Debevc (
    3. Zdravko Kacic (

    Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science
    Contact: Ben Shneiderman, Head, HCIL Laboratory, Professor, Computer Science
    Phone: 301-405-2680
    Address: Department of Computer Science University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Facilities: The University of Maryland facilities include the Human Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCIL), which is part of the Center for Automation Research. The HCIL has IBM, SUNM and MAC-based workstations. The lab has access to several VAX-equivalent machines that are linked together and connected to national and international networks. The AT&T teaching theater with 20 networked workstations are also available for research projects and testing.
    Program: The HCIL lab supports basic, controlled experimental research in the area of human computer interaction. Recent projects include VIZER (Visual Information Explorer), Dynamic Queries, Treemaps, User Interface for Telemedicine Imaging, and QUIS - Questionnaire on User Interface Satisfaction.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Ben Shneiderman (

    Univ. of Maryland, Psychology
    Contact: Kent L. Norman, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-301-405-5924
    Fax: +01-301-314-9566
    Address: Department of Psychology University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 USA
    Degrees: Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 4 Masters: 4
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 4
    Description: The Cognitive Psychology focuses issues of attention and information processing, thinking and problem solving, judgment and decision making, and learning and memory. We have a strong experimental and quantitative program. Most of our experimental studies are on HCI issues. Our research has been particularly concerned with menu selection, direct manipulation, screen layout, and input devices. In addition, we are have developed and used the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction, a standardized instrument for research and usability testing. Current work is focusing on the design of the electronic classroom and the concept of HyperCourseware, a software infrastructure for computer mediated education. This work is conducted in the AT&T Teaching Theater with complete multimedia and networking facilities.
    Facilities: Lots of computers, networking to the world, etc.
    Program: HCI is an interdisciplinary topic on our campus. Our program works closely with the Human/Computer Interaction Lab in the Computer Science Department with Ben Shneiderman and with the College of Library Services with Gary Marchionini.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Kent L. Norman (

    Massey Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Chris Phillips, Associate Professor
    Phone: +64-6-350-5022
    Fax: +64-6-350-5611
    Address: Department of Computer Science Massey University Palmerston North NEW ZEALAND
    Degrees: MPhil, PhD in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 2
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 3
    Description: The CS Department is strong in HCI and Expert Systems.
    Facilities: Computer facilities include labs of networked Unix workstations and Macs. Personal staff workstations are mainly Macs with some PCs.
    Program: HCI is a major area of specialisation. Other areas include: expert systems, computer networks, and functional languages.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Chris Phillips (
    2. Elizabeth Kemp (
    3. Paul Lyons (
    4. Sarah Burger (

    McGill Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Rudolf K. Keller, Adjunct Professor
    Phone: +01-514-398-1234
    Fax: +01-514-398-1244
    Address: School of Computer Science McGill University McConnell Engineering Building Room 318 3480 University Street Montreal, Quebec, CANADA H3A 2A7
    Degrees: BS, MS, Ph.D. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters: 4
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters: 4
    HCI Faculty
    1. Renato De Mori (
    2. Rudolf K. Keller (

    Univ. of Michigan, Computer & Information Systems
    Contact: Judith S. Olson, Professor
    Phone: +01-313-747-4948
    Fax: +01-313-936-3168
    Address: The University of Michigan CSMIL, 701 Tappan Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234 USA
    Degrees: Ph.D. in CIS, Ph.D. in Psych, Ph.D. in IOE
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 4 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 6 Masters: 0
    Description: Students from a variety of areas concentrate on HCI. Each has to fulfill the requirements of their "home" department, listed above. There are two major foci to our work: cognitive modeling (extensions of GOMS) that are generated and tested in the context of computer-based tasks, and computer supported cooperative work.
    Facilities: There are facilities in a variety of locations. At CSMIL we have about 25 people, about 25 Macintoshes, 2 NeXts, and four Suns used for a variety of purposes. The key facility is the Collaboration Technology Suite, a collection of rooms that support research on group work, facilitated with computers and video. There are also rooms that simulate remote work with video/audio connections. In Computer Science, there is work done on multimedia, and information retrieval, served by Macs and Suns. The Psychology Department similarly has Suns and Macs for both office work and experimentation.
    Program: HCI is one specialization in Business, Computer Science, Psychology and Industrial and Operations Engineering.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Judith S. Olson (
    2. Gary M. Olson (
    3. David Kieras (

    Univ. of Michigan, Elec. Eng. & Computer Science
    Contact: Elliot Soloway, Associate Professor
    Phone: 313-936-1562
    Fax: 313-763-1260
    Address: 1101 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in EECS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: The CSE Division of the EECS department covers the traditional areas in CS: intelligent systems, hardware, software and theory. HCI research is carried out in the AI Lab.
    Facilities: There are literally thousands of high-powered workstations (and associated special purpose gear) available to students on the CAEN network in the College of Engineering.
    Program: HCI is one of the areas of research in EECS.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Elliot Soloway (

    Univ. of Minnesota, Computer Science
    Contact: Joseph A. Konstan, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +1 612 625-1831
    Fax: +1 612 625-0572
    Address: 4-192 EE/CS Building 200 Union Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in Computer and Information Sciences
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 0 Masters: 2
    Description: The UMN Computer Science department is particularly strong in Scientific Computing and includes faculty conducting research in a broad range of areas including Multimedia Systems, Software Engineering, and History of Computing along with all of the classic areas of Computer Science. Students interested in HCI can find additional courses in Psychology and in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. In addition, UMN has a Human Factors Research Lab under the direction of Peter Hancock in the Department of Kinesiology.
    Facilities: A wide range of facilities are available to UMN CSci students. Graduate research and college-wide instructional labs provide a large number of workstations and personal computers (Sun, SGI, Apple and IBM are most common). The department also has a multiprocessor Sun compute server. Students may also take advantage of extensive research facilities at three nearby research centers: the Minnesota Supercomputer Center, the Army High- Performance Computing Research Center, and the Geometry Center. These centers all have extensive support for computer graphics and multimedia.
    Program: Students may select an emphasis in HCI and may combine graduate-level in Computer Science and other Departments to obtain a degree in HCI. For Ph.D. preliminary examination purposes, HCI students are considered part of Software Systems (one of five areas of research in the program).
    HCI Faculty
    1. Joseph A. Konstan (

    MIT, Sloan School of Management
    Contact: Thomas Malone, Professor of Information Technologies
    Phone: +1-617-253-6843
    Fax: +1-617-258-7579
    Address: 50 Memorial Drive, Room E53-333 Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
    Degrees: MBA, Ph.D. in Information Technologies, cross registration from computer science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 6
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 3
    Description: The Center for Coordination Science is an interdisciplinary laboratory that draws students from the management school, economics, and computer science. Currently, there are several computer science graduate students working on HCI related projects at the center. Other laboratories and departments at MIT that conduct research related to HCI include the Media Laboratory, the Laboratory for Computer Science, the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and the Laboratory for Information and Decision Sciences.
    Facilities: Macintoshes, PCs, UNIX boxes.
    Program: HCI, particularly for cooperative work systems (CSCW), is one area of research at the Center for Coordination Science. Other areas include coordination theory and economic analysis of information technologies.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Paul Resnick (
    2. Thomas Malone (

    Moscow State Univ., Psychology
    Contact: Victor Kaptelinin, Assistant Professor (half time)
    Phone: (095) 157-69-53
    Address: Psychological Institute Russian Academy of Education 9 "V" Mokhovaja str., 103009 Moscow RUSSIA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in Psychology
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 0 Masters: 2
    Description: The Department of Psychology, Moscow State University, is the leading psychological center in Russia. Students specialize in various domains, including general psychology, industrial psychology, social psychology, educational psychology, psychology and knowledge engineering.
    Facilities: The Department of Psychology has a number of PCs. The Chair of Psychology and Knowledge Engineering has a PS/2. The instructor in HCI use his PowerBook 100 Macintosh computer.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Victor Kaptelinin (VKAPTELI@WEBER.UCSD.EDU)

    New Mexico State Univ., Psychology
    Contact: Douglas Gillan, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +1-505-646-1408
    Fax: +1-505-646-6218
    Address: Department of Psychology New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 88003-30001 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD. in Psychology
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 17 Masters: 53
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 17 Masters: 20
    Description: HCI at New Mexico State University (NMSU) has a dual focus -- the development of cognitive theory in a real-world context and the application of cognitive principles and methods to interface design. Graduate training exhibits that dual focus, with general training in experimental psychology and statistical methods, as well as specialized training in HCI design, prototyping, and evaluation. Faculty research centers around the development of cognitive models of computer users, with particular emphasis on multivariate methods for modeling user knowledge, such as Pathfinder networks.
    Facilities: The Psychology Department faculty associated with HCI at NMSU have laboratories focused on their varied research interests, including cognitive engineering (Cooke), computer text processing (Foltz), information visualization (Gillan), computer-based instruction (Lee), information retrieval (McDonald), and mental models (Schvaneveldt). The equipment from these labs includes more than 30 Macintosh and PC microcomputers, a Sun workstation, and special-purpose software for controlling experiments and data recording, video event recording, visualization, multimedia authoring, latent semantic analysis, advanced mathematical and statististical programming, and Pathfinder network development. Additional Psychology Department facilities include a Macintosh-based multimedia development facility for graduate and undergraduate student projects and a usability test lab. The facilities of the Computing Research Laboratory include a variety of configurations of machine translation, information extraction, knowledge acquisition, intelligent teaching, and translator workstation systems in support of their projects on machine translation, natural language processing, user interface technology, data resources, and documentation.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Nancy J. Cooke (
    2. Peter Foltz (
    3. Douglas Gillan (
    4. Arthur I. Karshmer (
    5. Adrienne Y. Lee (
    6. James E. McDonald (
    7. Bill Ogden (
    8. Ken Paap (
    9. Ed Pines (
    10. Roger Schvaneveldt (
    11. Laura Thompson (

    Nova SE. Univ., Computer & Info. Sciences
    Contact: Laurie P. Dringus, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-305-475-7563
    Fax: +01-305-475-1982
    Address: Nova Southeastern University Center for Computer and Information Sciences 3301 College Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in CIS, CTE, IS, CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 5-20 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 5-10 Masters: 0
    Description: The NSU CCIS Department is strong in the areas of programming languages, operating systems, software engineering, compiler design, artificial intelligence, decision support systems, and human-computer interaction. Each curricula in CCIS (CIS, CTE, IS and CS) have at least one course in HCI.
    Facilities: CCIS has a number of workstations, IBM-compatible PCs, and Apple/Macintosh computers with a variety of software used for instructional purposes. In addition to campus labs, Nova's online environment offers real-time distributed Electronic Classroom sessions for distance learners, electronic conferencing, and electronic student assignment submission system. The CCIS houses a group decision support lab. The CCIS plans to open a HCI lab in the near future.
    Program: HCI is one of about 10 areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Laurie P. Dringus (

    Ohio State Univ., Industrial & Systems Eng.
    Contact: Phil Smith, Professor
    Phone: +1-614-292-4120
    Fax: +1-614-292-7852
    Address: The Ohio State University 1971 Neil Avenue Room 210 Baker Systems Columbus, OH 43210-1210 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in ISE
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 6 Masters: 8
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 7 Masters: 6
    Description: The OSU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering has an interdisciplinary program in cognitive systems engineering. This program has a strong design orientation, as well as a focus on research concerned with cognitive modeling and the identification of general design principles and concepts to guide in the development of interactive computer systems. Real world systems from fields such as aviation, library systems, medicine and nuclear power are used as testbeds for such research.
    Facilities: The Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory has a large number of Sun Workstations and Mac IIs for use in the development of prototype systems, as well as video systems for collecting data on user behaviors.
    Program: HCI is part of a broader emphasis on the design of cognitive systems. The curriculum also deals with artificial intelligence and expert systems, cognitive psychology and system design.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Phil Smith (
    2. David Woods (
    3. Charles E. Billings ()

    Univ. Oldenburg, Informatics
    Contact: Peter Gorny, Professor Dr.
    Phone: +49-441-798-2901
    Fax: +49-441-798-2155
    Address: P.O.Box 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, GERMANY
    Degrees: Diplom-Informatik (= MSc), Doctor rer.nat., Doctor Eng.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 14
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 5 Masters: 55
    Description: Education in Computer Science (Informatics) with various side subjects (Math, Physics, MBA, Psych, Ling, Chem, Biol, etc.) Education of Teachers for various types of schools in Informatics as a school subject.
    Facilities: 80 Unix WS, 40 Mac, 30 various PC; direct connection to IBM VMS machine; all in general network (Ethernet) Various special labs for graphics, software-engineering, computer architecture, operating systems, networking, CSCW, and HCI.
    Program: The subject is labelled "Software Ergonomics". It contains the fundamentals of HCI, derived from psychology, cognitive science, ergonomics and informatics. The main objective is the training of computer science students in the design of user interfaces according to the recommendations, rules and standards developed during the last 15 years.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Peter Gorny (
    2. Ina Pitschke ()

    Open Univ., Computing
    Contact: Felicity Head, Mrs F. Head (administrator)
    Phone: +44 908 652708
    Fax: +44 908 653744
    Address: Computing in Commerce and Industry Programme Mathematics Faculty Open University Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
    Degrees: The HCI module can be taken as a single course for which a certificate is given or part of a Postgraduate Diploma or part of an MSc entitled 'Industrial Applications of Computers'. All courses are studied by distance learning, part-time. (Most students are in full time employment with companies) Each 100 hour module is studied over 6-9 months. Many students complete the diploma in 3 years and MSc in 4 years. Students study part time while working in industry and may take as long as they like.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Facilities: The Open University is the largest distance learning university in the UK. The Computing Department offers undergraduate BSc courses by correspondence learning as well as the postgraduate Computers in Commerce and Industry Courses. Six of the postgraduate courses can be taken to gain a Diploma which can be extended to a MSc by the addition of a supervised research project which is equivalent to two courses. Each of the courses are a minimum of 100 hours and the topics covered include: Software Engineering, Architectures and Operating Systems, Project Management, Data Bases, Object Oriented Design, Human_Computer Interaction and a number of other courses
    Program: HCI is just one of the areas of interest in the Department. The strongest areas as Software Engineering, HCI, Software metrics, Database, Computer Education and Women and Computing.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jenny Preece (
    2. David Benyon ()

    Univ. of Oregon, Computer and Info. Science
    Contact: Sarah Douglas, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-503-346-3974
    Fax: +01-503-346-5373
    Address: Computer and Information Science Dept. University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 5
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 3
    Description: Within the CIS Dept. the Interactive Systems Research Group is strong in HCI, Graphics and AI. The Cognitive and Decision Sciences Institute provides interdisciplinary courses and research alliances from faculty in linguistics, psychology and sociology.
    Facilities: The CIS Dept. has a large number of Sun 4/60's, Tektronix TekXpress X-terminals and Macintosh IIcx's connected over a UNIX based ethernet to Sun 670MP SPARCservers, a 26 processor Sequent S81, and two HP9000/370's. The Interactive Systems Research Group has several Silicon Graphics IRIS Indigo's, Sun SPARC's, and HP9000/433s Turbo VRX T2. There is a complete laboratory for researching human-computer interaction with audio, video and computer recording and editing.
    Program: HCI is one of about 6 areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Sarah Douglas (
    2. Gary Meyer (
    3. Stephen Fickas (
    4. Kent Stevens (

    Univ. of Pittsburgh, Library & Information Science
    Contact: Mike Lewis, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-412-624-9426
    Fax: +01-412-624-5231
    Address: Department of Information Science University of Pittsburgh 135 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
    Degrees: MSIS, Ph.D. in IS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 8 Masters: 6
    Description: Information science at the University of Pittsburgh is the study of computer technologies, various engineering techniques, and scientific principles combined with the concepts of human cognition in order to design, implement, and manage information systems. The discipline includes technical components such as computer programming, system design, telecommunications, database management systems, and microcomputers, as well as humanistic components such as human factors in system design, human information processing, and interactive system design. The Department of Information Science at Pitt offers three graduate programs -- the Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS), the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS), and the PhD. It also co-sponsors the Master of Science in Telecommunications (MST) program. Courses are offered both day and evening for the convenience of full- and part-time students. The MSIS is a 36-credit program which can be completed in one year of full-time or two years of part-time study. Several specific course sequences or tracks have been developed for students with specific interests, such as the System Specialist Track, System Designer Track, and Artificial Intelligence Track. The 24-credit CAS program provides a structured, personalized program of studies beyond the masters degree. Designed for people who do not wish to pursue the PhD degree, it allows students to explore a special field of interest or to update skills and competencies. Students in the PhD program will pursue the development of superior scholarship, mastery of a specialized field of knowledge, and the ability to do significant and relevant research. A detailed description of the PhD program is available upon request.
    Facilities: Students have access to six department computing laboratories housed in the same building where classes are taught. Equipment includes a variety of microcomputers (IBM PCs, compatibles, and Macintoshes), Sun Sparcstations, III's, and II's, and an SGI graphics workstation, all networked within the department to a Sun IV Server. Three labs contain equipment for the telecommunications program including a full array of test equipment, multiple networks, and a private telephone switch. University computer facilities include a VAX cluster running both Ultrix and VMS. The cluster include a VAX 9000, VAX 6250, VAX 8820, VAX 8800, a VAX 9000/210 Vector Processor. A number of VAX 5000's have been added to the network in specialized server roles in support of AFS. The multiple private and public university ethernets are linked by an FDDI backbone which includes such specialized resources as a Cray Y-MP supercomputer, a connection machine, a graphics and CAD laboratory, and nine microcomputer laboratories located in other campus buildings.
    Program: Our department treats both human cognition and computer technology as equally important instances of information processing making HCI the core interest of our department. HCI focused courses include:
  • Human Factors
  • Interactive Systems
  • Foundations of Cognitive Science
  • Human Information Processing
  • AI
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Software Engineering
  • Information Retrieval
  • Document Processing
  • Standards
  • PDP
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Marek J. Druzdzel (
    2. Stephen Hirtle (
    3. Robert Korfhage (
    4. Mike Lewis (
    5. Dirk Mahling (
    6. Douglas Metzler (
    7. Paul Munro (
    8. Kenneth Sochats (
    9. Michael B. Spring (
    10. Richard A. Thompson (
    11. Martin Weiss (
    12. James G. Williams (

    Portland State Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Jean Scholtz, Assistant Professor
    Phone: 503-725-4103
    Fax: 503-725-3211
    Address: P.O. Box 751, CMPS Portland State University Portland, OR 97207-0751 USA
    Degrees: BS, MS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters: 6
    Description: The PSU CS department is strong in software engineering. We have many interactions with local industry such as Sequent, Mentor Graphics, Intel, and Tektronix. Students have opportunities to do internships with these companies. In addition to CS classes in HCI, the psychology offers classes in experimental design and the linguistics department offers classes in computational linguistics and natural language understanding. This year we are offering an interdisciplinary course in cognitive science. An adjunct professor from Intel also teaches several HCI courses each year.
    Facilities: The CS department has 3 sequents available. The HCI lab contains terminals to the network as well as 4 MACs and two PCs. We have a Quadra and equipment to do voice interfaces on the Mac. In addition we have video facilities to record and analyze subject data. Our lab has a subject room with one way glass.
    Program: A track in HCI exists for a MS degree. We also have tracks in software engineering as well as areas of database concentration.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jean Scholtz (
    2. James. A. Larson (

    Univ. of Portsmouth, Psychology
    Contact: Darren Van Laar, Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology
    Phone: +705-874-033
    Fax: +705-877-155
    Address: King Charles St. Portsmouth PO1 2ER, UK
    Degrees: BSc, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 2
    Description: Use of colour in computers, CSCW, intelligent tutoring systems (especially of statistical knowledge), perception of computerised speech, user interface design for complex systems.
    Facilities: The department has onsite access to 14 PCs, Vax lines and 4 Macs. We also have one sun 3 workstation. For colour work we have Minolta ca-100 colour analyzer and Bentham m300 spectroradiometer. Also large literature collection on use of colour in computers. Work on perception of computerised speech also has equivalent machines.
    Program: HCI is taught as part of a third year option course called Human Factors in information technology. 10 other third year option courses also run in the department. There have been 5 BSc HCI degrees in the past five years.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Darren Van Laar (

    Univ. of London, CMW, Dept. of Computer Science
    Contact: Hilary Johnson, Lecturer in HCI
    Phone: +44(0)71-975-5238
    Fax: +44(0)81-980-6533
    Address: Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK
    Degrees: PhD, MSc
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 13 Masters: 70
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 15 Masters: 16
    Description: QMW has four internationally recognised research areas, in HCI, AI, Advanced Computing Environments, theory and functional programming.
    Facilities: The facilities include banks of suns and Macintosh computers, about 100, networked, there are good virtual reality, graphics, multimedia and CSCW support facilities - both hardware and software. The machines are housed in a multipurpose student building.
    Program: We are a centre for excellence in the UK for HCI and started the first HCI undergraduate and MSc courses in the UK. The courses offered are part of the HCI stream Advanced MSc courses. Students choose four from a selection of courses in user modelling, interactive system design, virtual environments and multimedia, natural language, OOPS, User Interface Management systems, some of which do not run in all years. The courses offered in 1994/1995 are user modelling, interactive system design, virtual environments and multimedia and natural language.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Hilary Johnson (
    2. Peter Johnson (
    3. George Coulouris (
    4. Sylvia Wilbur (
    5. Mel Slater (
    6. Stephen Sommerville (

    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computer Science
    Contact: Ephraim P. Glinert, Associate Professor
    Phone: (518) 276 2657
    Fax: (518) 276 4033
    Address: Dept. of Computer Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180 USA
    Degrees: BSc, MSc, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 18
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 4 Masters: 2
  • Scientific and Numeric Computing
  • Engineering Databases
  • Parallel algorithms
  • Computer Vision
  • Software Engineering
  • Facilities: Numerous and Excellent!
  • Multimodal Human-Computer Interfaces
  • Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities
  • Visual Programming Environments
  • Interactive Learning
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Ephraim P. Glinert (

    Stanford Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Terry Winograd, Professor
    Phone: +01-650-723-2780
    Fax: +01-650-723-0033
    Address: Computer Science Dept. Stanford CA, 94305-9035 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 5 Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 6 Masters: 30
    Description: The HCI program is described in the program web page.
    Program: The HCI program is described in the program web page, which also links to updated information on faculty and courses. See
    HCI Faculty
    1. Terry Winograd (
    2. Chuck Bigelow (
    3. Bill Verplank (
    4. Karen Wieckert (
    5. Marc Levoy (
    6. Julie Zelenski (
    7. Byron Reeves (
    8. Barbara Tversky (

    Univ. of Sussex, Cognitive & Computing Sciences
    Contact: Steve Easterbrook, Lecturer
    Phone: +44 (0)273 678484
    Fax: +44 (0)273 671320
    Address: School of Cognitive & Computing Sciences University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK
    Degrees: MSc in Human Centred Computing Systems; MSc in Knowledge Based Systems; DPhil in Cognitive Science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 5 Masters: 140
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 4 Masters: 32
    Description: The School is a multidisciplinary centre, covering all aspects of Cognitive Science. Traditional strengths have been AI, Philosophy and Theoretical Computer Science, although more recently the schools has expanded it's HCI, CSCW and Software Engineering groups.
    Facilities: Mainly UNIX running X-Windows, and the POPLOG environment which was developed at Sussex. Hardware is combination of Sun Workstations and X-terminals. Some Macintoshes available for HCI students. New Multimedia lab offers comprehensive multimedia authoring environment, based on a Mac Quadra.
    Program: Computers should be designed to assist people. That slogan is easy to state, but hard to implement. The one year MSc will demonstrate how to apply techniques from psychology and cognitive science to the design of interactive computing systems. It includes courses in the fundamentals of human computer interaction and software evaluation, and a supervised project using advanced software tools to develop a prototype computer system that is productive, empowering, and easy to use. Topics covered in the MSc include:
  • interface design
  • cognitive models in human computer interaction
  • system evaluation techniques
  • expert systems and knowledge engineering
  • computer supported cooperative work Courses in the MSc include:
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Knowledge Representation
  • Systems Design and Evaluation
  • Psychological Methods for System Evaluation
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Computer Supported Cooperative Work
  • Social Implications of Computer Systems
  • Computing and Children
  • HCI Faculty
    1. Steve Easterbrook (
    2. Mike Sharples (
    3. Yvonne Rogers (
    4. Mike Scaife ()

    Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Computer Science
    Contact: Steve Howard, Director, Centre for Systems Methodologies
    Phone: +03 819 8566
    Fax: +03 819 0823
    Address: Swinburne University of Technology Department of Computer Science PO Box 218, Hawthorn, Vic 3122, AUSTRALIA
    Degrees: MIT(HCI), Ph.D. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters: 4
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 4 Masters: 7
    Description: The SUT CS Department is strong in HCI,SE,AI and Graphics
    Facilities: The CS Department has a large number of workstations:
  • variety of SUN's
  • HP Software Engineering lab with about 20 workstations
  • Macintosh HCI lab, lots of low end machines and a Quadra 950
  • Portable Video Camers, Monitors, basic editing equipment
  • assorted small computers
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is one of 5 areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Steve Howard (

    Univ. of Tampere, Computer Science
    Contact: Kari-Jouko Raiha, Professor
    Phone: +358-31-2156-952
    Fax: +358-31-2156-070
    Address: University of Tampere P.O. Box 607 FIN-33101 Tampere, FINLAND
    Degrees: MS, Ph.Lic., Ph.D. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: - Masters: 12
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 4
    Description: The department has traditionally been strong in databases, programming, and the social effects of computing. Emerging new specialization areas are object-oriented methods and HCI (including interface issues in CSCW).
    Facilities: The department has
  • about 10 Sun workstations mounted on two Sun servers (SS2, SS10)
  • about 30 high-end Macs (Mac II series, large or color monitors etc.)
  • some PCs
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is one of 6-7 areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Kari-Jouko Raiha (

    Texas A&M Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: John J. Leggett, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-409-845-0298
    Fax: +01-409-847-8578
    Address: Department of Computer Science Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3112 USA
    Degrees: MS, PhD in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 13
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 7 Masters: 18
    Description: The TAMU CS department has rather broad research interests.
    Facilities: The TAMU CS department has several hundred Sun Sparc Stations for general graduate student use as well as several research labs with file servers and workstations.
    Program: HCI is one of 8 areas of specialization in the department. We are most interested in hypermedia, multimedia, CSCW, digital library systems, and virtual reality systems.
    HCI Faculty
    1. John Leggett (
    2. Richard Furuta (

    Univ. of Toronto, Computer Science
    Contact: Marilyn Mantei, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-416-978-5512
    Fax: +01-416-978-4765
    Address: Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 1A4
    Degrees: BSc, MSc and PhD in Computer Science, each can be specialized in HCI
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 10
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 7 Masters: 2
    Description: UofT DCS offers World Class programs in Theory: Complexity Theory, Algorithm Design and Graph Theory; AI: Formal AI, Knowledge Engineering, Neural Networks and Computational Linguistics; Graphics: Physical and Geometric Modeling, Robotics and Rendering; HCI: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Non-speech audio, Input Devices, Methodologies for User Interface Design, Multimedia Systems, Software Visualization and Cognitive Modeling; plus strong programs in Systems, and Databases. The DCS HCI program is strengthened by the involvement of several other groups on campus: Human Factors group of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Library and Information Sciences, Department of Sociology, Centre for Applied Cognitive Science, and Department of Psychology.
    Facilities: For HCI course work:
  • 40 sparcstation IPCs, most with colour
  • 9 Macintosh LCs (colour)
  • 3 Macintosh II CIs (colour)
  • 3 Postscript laser printers For HCI research:
  • high speed campus fiber optic TCP/IP network
  • private HCI lab containing: --- 5 sparcstation IPCs, 3 with colour (one with 24 bit colour) --- 4 SGI Irises, including one Indigo --- 2 sparcstation 2 servers --- about 8 Macintoshes, all with colour, including 2 Quadras (the rest are all at least Mac IIs) --- two private rooms for user testing --- several video cameras/camcorders and VCRs --- video tower for dubbing/editing --- video conferencing system, used for telepresence research
  • shared lab with CSRI, containing 20 sparcstation IPCs
  • shared sparcstation IPCs in student offices
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is one of several areas of specialization in the department. Faculty and student HCI research is concentrated in the areas of:
  • computer supported cooperative work
  • input devices and interaction techniques
  • methodologies for user interface design
  • non-speech audio
  • software visualization
  • multimedia systems
  • cognitive modeling
  • HCI Faculty
    1. William Buxton (
    2. Marilyn Mantei (
    3. Ron Baecker (

    Univ. of Toronto, Ontario Inst. for Studies in Education
    Contact: Robert S. McLean, Associate Professor, and Chair
    Phone: (416) 923-6641 ext 2254
    Fax: (416) 926-4725
    Address: Dept. of Measurement, Evaluation, & Computer Applications Ontario Institute for Studies in Education 252 Bloor St. W. Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1V6
    Degrees: M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Ed. D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 2
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters:
    Description: OISE is affiliated with the University of Toronto, and constitutes its Department of Education within the School of Graduate Studies. Our students are graduate students at the University of Toronto and receive their degrees from U. of T. OISE is also one of the world's major research and development institutions in the field of education. OISE's affiliation with the University of Toronto and location on its main campus means that University of Toronto HCI activities and courses are available.
    Facilities: Common microcomputer platforms; UNIX platforms for some projects; VAX VMS; educational multimedia.
    Program: Our department is primarily concerned with the study of computer uses in education: in K-12 institutions, higher education, distance education, and professional settings. Most of our students see HCI as a component in their studies and a few undertake research which is specifically HCI. Affiliation with the University of Toronto and location on its main campus means that many University of Toronto HCI activities and courses are available.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Robert S. McLean (

    Univ. of Toronto, Library & Information Science
    Contact: Joan M. Cherry, Associate Professor
    Phone: 416-978-4663
    Fax: 416-971-1399
    Address: Faculty of Library and Information Science 140 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5S 1A1
    Degrees: Master of Information Science, Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: Emphasis on the behaviour of people who create and use information; the production and use of information in organizations; the interaction of users with systems and with information; the social impact of information technology.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Joan M. Cherry (
    2. Andrew Clement (
    3. Charles Meadow (

    Technical Univ. of Nova Scotia, Computer Science
    Contact: Trevor Smedley, Assistant Professor
    Phone: (902) 420-7838
    Fax: (902) 492-1517
    Address: School of Computer Science Technical University of Nova Scotia PO Box 1000 Halifax, NS CANADA B3J 2X4
    Degrees: M.Comp.Sci., Ph.D. in Computer Science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 3
    Description: Visual programming, software engineering, user interfaces, object oriented programming, database, graphics.
    Facilities: Macintosh, PC, Sun, HP, Dec and Next computers.
    Program: The faculty involved in HCI tend towards the practical aspects -- tools, techniques, etc. -- as opposed to the theoretical aspects.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Trevor Smedley (

    Univ. of California at Irvine, Info. and Computer Science
    Contact: Jonathan Grudin, Associate Professor
    Phone: +1-714-856-8674
    Fax: +1-714-856-4056
    Address: Information and Computer Science Department University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92717 USA
    Degrees: Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 6 Masters: 0
    Description: The UCI ICS Department has five areas of concentration: Theory, Hardware, AI, Software, and CORPS (Computers, Organizations, Policy, and Society). Software has a strong interest in UIMSs and distributed software management tools. CORPS, which has links to faculty in the School of Management, provides a strong focus on social and organizational analysis of computerization. New faculty bring CSCW and HCI interest to CORPS; some newly admitted students are working in these areas.
    Facilities: The UCI ICS Department has:
  • about 250 workstations and servers (Sun)
  • about 350 PCs and Macs
  • about 175 terminals
  • about 90 printers
  • about 250 ethernet nodes
  • about 2500 MIPS
  • about 50GB Disk storage capacity (not including PCs and Macs)
  • two Sequents, one Maspar, one Hypercube Computer, and 6 LISP machines
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is an increasingly active area of interest within CORPS and Software, two of the 5 major areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jonathan Grudin (
    2. Mark Ackerman (
    3. Richard Taylor (
    4. John King (
    5. Rob Kling (

    University College London, Ergonomics
    Contact: Professor J.B. Long, Director
    Phone: +44 (0)71 380 7557
    Fax: +44 (0)71 580 1100
    Address: Ergonomics Unit, UCL, 26, Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AP, UK
    Degrees: Human Factors in HCI: PhD, MS, Postgraduate Diploma
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 7 Masters: 49
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 10 Masters: 23
    Description: The Ergonomics Unit is UCL's centre for the development, study and practice of ergonomics (human factors engineering), and it is based in the Department of Psychology. Ergonomics is concerned with the human aspects of technology at work, seeking to ensure that technology meets the needs of people that use it. The University of London Intercollegiate Masters course in Ergonomics is run from the Unit, although components of the course are contributed by specialists in the various background disciplines based at a number of colleges within the University. Students can specialise either in General Ergonomics or in the Human Factors of Human Computer Interaction. The Research Group based at the Ergonomics Unit specialises in Human-Computer Interaction.
    Facilities: Local facilities -
  • General human factors testing laboratory facilities (video and audio)
  • locally networked Apple Macintosh LC
  • cluster of IBM PS2 workstations and an IBM RS6000. As well as offering a local network supporting word-processing and statistical analysis facilities, the cluster is linked to a college-wide, fibre-based, high bandwidth backbone network, providing access to external data networks, including UK and international electronic mail facilities via the Internet. Facilities of the Department of Computer Science, UCL (subject to availability):
  • 65 workstations (SUN, Hewlett Packard workstations, DECStations 3100)
  • access to wide-area video conferencing and data networks,
  • WWW:
    Program: The Ergonomics Unit Research Group specialises in Human-Computer Interaction. The group wishes to enhance the process and product of software development by: (i) increasing the guarantee associated with human factors (HF) knowledge; and, (ii) developing an appropriate set of HF methods and tools, with emphasis on the early stages of system design. The group conducts basic and pre-competitive work, frequently in collaboration with public bodies and industrial organisations from the U.K. and Europe, and it has particularly close links with the Department of Computer Science at UCL. It has a special interest in planning and control, and safety critical applications, such as transport, health care and the military.
    HCI Faculty
    1. John B. Long (
    2. M. Andrew Life (
    3. Andy Whitefield (
    4. Russel L. Winder (
    5. Angela Sasse (

    Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Info. & Library Sci.
    Contact: Barbara M. Wildemuth, Assistant Professor
    Phone: 919-962-8072
    Fax: 919-962-8071
    Address: SILS, 100 Manning Hall, CB # 3360 UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 USA
    Degrees: MSLS, MSIS, CAS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 4
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: N/A Masters: N/A
    Description: The School offers an interdisciplinary graduate program in information and library science. Its traditional strength in library science provides students with a strong background in information organization/retrieval and service to client groups. The newer information science program has diversified the course offerings, including an emphasis in systems analysis and design.
    Facilities: Students have access to a state-of-the-art microcomputer lab, including CASE tools and basic prototyping tools. Access to UNIX workstations is also available.
    Program: HCI is not an area of specialization within the School; it is included as one aspect of the Systems Analysis and Design emphasis.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Barbara M. Wildemuth (

    Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Computer Science & Eng.
    Contact: Susan Wiedenbeck, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-402-472-5006
    Fax: +01-402-472-7767
    Address: 115 Ferguson Hall University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0115 USA
    Degrees: B.S., M.S., Ph.D. in CSE
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 3
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 1
    Description: The CSE department has strength in theory and cryptography. It also has an active group in computer vision. The Industrial Engineering Department specializes in physical human factors but also does some work in cognitive human factors. The Management Information Science program has interest in training of end users of computers. The Psychology Department has strength in perception.
    Facilities: The CSE Department has a large number of Sun workstations. There is a vision laboratory containing Suns and specialized vision hardware. There is an AI laboratory of Apollo workstations. There are many up-to-date PCs and a few Macintoshes.
    Program: HCI is one of about 9 areas of specialization in the department. Two faculty members work in the area.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Susan Wiedenbeck (
    2. Scott Henninger (

    Univ. of New South Wales, Computer Science & Eng.
    Contact: Clark N. Quinn, Lecturer
    Phone: +61-2-385-3985
    Fax: +61-2-313-7987
    Address: School of Computer Science and Engineering The University of New South Wales Kensington, NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA
    Degrees: MCogScMInfSc, MCompSc; ME, PhD in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters: 3
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 3
    Description: The School of Computer Science and Engineering is grouped around the activity areas of Artificial Intelligence, Formal Methods and Software Engineering, Computer Architecture and VLSI Design, Information Science, Algorithms and Programming Techniques, Networks and Operating Systems, and Human Computer Interaction. Strong links exist with the Cognitive Science Program and the Schools of Psychology, Information Systems, and Education.
    Facilities: The School of Computer Science and Engineering administers about 250 various Unix workstations linked by 15 file servers. In addition, a graphics and visualisation lab is equipped with seven Silicon Graphics workstations. Various PC's, Macintoshes, and specialized systems complete the picture.
    Program: HCI is a new area of activity within the school. The emphasis is on cognitive engineering and user-centered design.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Clark N. Quinn (
    2. William H. Wilson (
    3. John Hiller (

    Univ. of Southern California, Computer Science
    Contact: Dr. Ellis Horowitz, Department Chair
    Phone: +01-213-740-8056
    Fax: +01-213-740-7285
    Address: USC Department of Computer Science, SAL 300 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: The USC Department of Computer Science is strong in software engineering, user interface software specification and design, and computer graphics, among other specialties. In addition, many HCI students from other departments (e.g. Industrial Engineering, Computer Engineering) take advantage of the HCI course curriculum.
    Facilities: The USC Department of Computer Science is a participant in a campus-wide computing network called University Computing Services (UCS). In addition, numerous workstations, computer laboratories (e.g. the Software Engineering Laboratory), etc. are available for student and faculty research.
    Program: HCI is a key component in the Department graduate curriculum in Software Engineering.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Steven M. Jacobs (

    Univ. of Tennessee at Knoxville, Computer Science
    Contact: Brad Vander Zanden, Assistant Professor
    Phone: +01-615-974-5067
    Fax: +01-615-974-4404
    Address: University of Tennessee Computer Science Dept. 107 Ayres Hall Knoxville, TN 37996
    Degrees: MS, PhD
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 2
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 3
    Description: The University of Tennessee CS Department has a well-balanced, strong program that includes theory, programming languages, systems, and scientific computing. The HCI unit falls in the programming languages area.
    Facilities: The CS department operates research laboratories with over 100 UNIX workstations (Sun SPARCstations, IBM RISC 6000s, HP Series 700, Macintosh IIfx, Sun-4/60s, Sun-4/65s, and Sun-4/75s), Intel iPSC/2, Intel iPSC/860, Sequent Symmetry, Stardent Titan, a VAX 4000, VAXstation GPX-II, and a variety of Sun-4/280 servers. The HCI program has 5 HP700 series workstations and one SPARCstation specifically devoted to it.
    Program: HCI falls under the area of programming languages and is primarily concerned with the development of tools and techniques for creating highly interactive, graphical interfaces.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Brad Vander Zanden (

    Univ. of Technology, Sydney, Computer Science
    Contact: Judy Hammond, Senior Lecturer
    Phone: 61 2 330 1822
    Fax: 61 2 330 1807
    Address: University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA
    Degrees: Graduate Certificate in Human-Computer Interaction, M. Sc (Computing) by coursework or thesis, Ph.D
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 1
    Description: HCI is a recent addition to under-graduate and post-graduate degree courses in computing with a strong industry orientation. Courses are part-time and full-time. It is one of 7 Key Centres for teaching and research in Australia. HCI research is conducted in one of these Key Centre Laboratories.
    Facilities: The range of computer facilities available to students in SOCS includes:
  • UNIX workstations (Sun Microsystems and Silicon Graphics)
  • IBM compatible microcomputers
  • Macintosh microcomputers
  • IBM minicomputer using VSE/SP VM/SP
  • ASCII terminals
  • X terminals and numerous other specialised computing equipment. All significant computing equipment in the School is interconnected via an Ethernet LAN and access to the world's computing community via AARNET (using Internet etc). A fully-equipped Usability Laboratory is being completed in 1993 and contains: portable video cameras, monitors, various editing equipment, playback facilities, assorted computers
  • WWW:
    Program: HCI is a recent addition to areas of specialisation, which include graphics, AI, Information Systems Management, Distributed Systems, Parallel Processing
    HCI Faculty
    1. Judy Hammond (

    Univ. of Western Australia, Elec. Engineering
    Contact: Peter E. Jones, Lecturer
    Phone: (+61 9) 380-3100
    Fax: (+61 9) 380-1065
    Address: Electrical & Electronic Engineering The University of Western Australia NEDLANDS, WA 6009 AUSTRALIA
    Degrees: B.Eng., Masters Prelim., M.Eng., Ph.D.
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 0 Masters: 0
    Description: The E&EE department has only recently begun a first degree in Information Technology. 1992 was the first year students graduated. HCI is seen as an important part of Software Engineering and this together with Communications and Micro-Electronics is seen as IT.
    Facilities: In addition to the facilities to be expected in an E&EE department (for instance a chip making plant) there are a number of sub-nets from the Internet with approximately 50 Sun workstations of various types, about 100 Pcs and a small number of Macs, HPs, Silicon Graphics and soon some DEC Alphas.
    Program: HCI is part of the Information Systems Group which is just getting into place as the undergraduate Information Technology course expands. This group is one of several in the deptartment including: Energy Systems, Microelectronics, Intelligent Information Processing, VLSI and Solar Energy.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Peter E. Jones (

    Univ. West England, Computing
    Contact: Peter J. Thomas, Professor of Information Management, Head of School of Applied Information Technology
    Phone: (+44) 272 656261
    Fax: (+44) 272 763860
    Address: University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK
    Degrees: MSc, MPhil, PhD in Computer Science, Information Systems
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters:
    Description: The Department of Computing at UWE Bristol undertakes research in the areas of real-time systems, community information systems, philosophical and social aspects of information systems, personal information management and HCI. The Department has strong links with local and national industry and runs many joint research programmes.
    Facilities: The Department has several well-equipped laboratories of Apple Macs., PCs and Sparcstations which are available for undergraduate and research student use.
    Program: The Department's MS students undertake live projects with partners such as HP UK, often on HCI-related research issues.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Peter J. Thomas (

    Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Information Systems
    Contact: Jean Gasen, Associate Professor
    Phone: (804) 367-7128
    Fax: (804) 367-7037
    Address: Box 4000 VCU Richmond, VA 23284-4000 USA
    Degrees: BS, MS, MBA and Ph.D. in Information Systems
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 3 Masters: 0
    Description: The Information Systems Department is in the School of Business at VCU. Degrees offered meet the AACSB requirements for Schools of Business. The IS department is one of the largest standalone departments in the country with 20 full time faculty. Faculty interests are broad and diverse focusing on everything from group decision support systems to flexible manufacturing and fuzzy logic. HCI represents one interest area within the department. The IS department also has strong community ties through its Information Systems Research Institute.
    Facilities: The IS department is IBM-based and has:
  • four labs each with 25 workstations (486 window-based machines)
  • 486 priority lab for is department with collaborative software and with multimedia capability
  • cooperative arrangements with the communication arts department provide access to a virtual reality lab, and several high performance Macintosh labs
  • WWW:
    Program: The HCI program is supported currently by one graduate level course and dissertation support. There is no formal specialization or degree program in HCI.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Jean Gasen (

    Univ. of Virginia, Computer Science
    Contact: Randy Pausch, Associate Professor
    Phone: (804) 982-2200
    Fax: (804) 982-2214
    Address: Thornton Hall, Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 8
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 4 Masters: 5
    Description: The User Interface group in the CS department at the University of Virginia performs research in Human-Computer Interaction. The approximately twenty members of the group are made up of undergraduates, graduates and faculty from a variety of fields such as computer science, psychology, and architecture. By working across several fields, the group is well-positioned to address the interdisciplinary nature of HCI research. Past work includes interfaces for research with cerebral palsy (CANDY), and the development of a platform-independent GUI, SUIT. Current research is now focusing on HCI issues in Virtual Environments and in the creation of the Alice software platform for real-time three-dimensional graphics and Virtual Reality.
    Facilities: The CS Department has:
  • 100 Sun workstations (IPC, SPARC, etc), 486s, etc.
  • Silicon Graphics Onyx Reality Engine II
  • Silicon Graphics Crimson-VGX
  • various headmounted displays, included sunglasses-based high-res models
  • several tracking devices, including the Polhemus FASTRAK
  • WWW:
    HCI Faculty
    1. Randy Pausch (

    Virginia Tech., Computer Science
    Contact: H. Rex Hartson, Professor
    Phone: +01-703-231-4857
    Fax: +01-703-231-6075
    Address: Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science 562 McBryde Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in CSA
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 3 Masters: 20
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 7 Masters: 6
    Description: The Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech has officially committed to a focus on HCI. To that end, we have recruited Dr. Jack Carroll, a renowned HCI researcher, as department head. This focus does not mean that everyone in CS will be doing HCI research. However, where possible, other research will emphasize HCI aspects and will connect to HCI as appropriate. Further, the Industrial & Systems Engineering Department has a strong program in HCI, and collaboration across the two departments has been occurring since 1979.
    Facilities: The CS Department has a large number of workstations (many DECstations and Alphas), Macintoshes, and assorted (Next, PC, SGI) special purpose machines. The ISE Department also has numerous workstations, as well as special equipment for persons with physical disabilities, most housed in their Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. Through funds received from a National Science Foundation Research Infrastructure grant, we are building three laboratories specifically to support HCI-based research: a Usability Methods Research Lab, an Interaction Technology Lab, and an Information Access Lab.
    Program: HCI is the principal focus within about 10 areas of specialization in the CS Department. Courses in experimental design, inferential statistics, and HCI are taught across ISE, Statistics, and Psychology Departments. Many MS and PhD degrees in HCI are also granted in ISE in addition to the numbers stated earlier for Computer Science.
    HCI Faculty
    1. H. Rex Hartson (
    2. Deborah Hix (
    3. John M. Carroll (
    4. Mary Beth Rosson (
    5. Robert C. Williges (
    6. Beverly H. Williges (
    7. Roger W. Ehrich (

    Vrije Univ., Computer Science
    Contact: Gerrit C. van der Veer, lecturer and senior researcher
    Phone: +31-20-5485591
    Fax: +31-20-6441746
    Address: De Boelelaan 1081 A 1081 HV Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in computer science
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 20
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 6
    Description: Big CS department, featuring theoretical CS, AI, Architecture and networking, software engineering, HCI, computer languages, 130 people employed
    Facilities: 350 work-locations, mostly SPARCstation 1 and 2, some graphic terminals, 25 PCs, 20 Macs, 1 parallel programming processor (128 processors), 4 Sparc 630 MP, 40 gigabyte disk space, 1200 names in password file
    Program: HCI is compulsory part of curriculum Software Engineering (includes both theory and literature of HCI, and practice of UI design) and preferred choice for AI, and choice for other CS majors.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Gerrit C. van der Veer (
    2. J.C. (Hans) van Vliet (
    3. Geert de Haan (

    Univ. of Waikato, Computer Science
    Contact: Ian H. Witten, Professor
    Phone: +64 7 856-2889
    Fax: +64 7 838-4155
    Address: Department of Computer Science University of Waikato Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND
    Degrees: MSc, MPhil, DPhil, MCMS (Master of Computer and Mathematical Science)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 5
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 5 Masters: 5
  • programming by example
  • machine learning
  • computer supported cooperative work
  • computer music and music analysis
  • speech analysis and synthesis
  • Facilities: Many workstations including Sparc II, Mac, NeXT, IBM PC, X-terminals, and misc. others.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Ian H. Witten (

    Univ. of Washington, Computer Science & Eng.
    Contact: Alan Borning, Associate Professor
    Phone: +01-206-543-6678
    Fax: USA +01-206-543-2969
    Address: Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, FR-35 University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D. in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 1 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 2 Masters: 0
    HCI Faculty
    1. Alan Borning (

    Worcester Polytechnic Inst., Computer Science
    Contact: Craig E. Wills, Assistant Professor
    Phone: 508-831-5622
    Fax: 508-831-5776
    Address: Worcester Polytechnic Institute 100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609 USA
    Degrees: MS, Ph.D in CS
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 0 Masters: 1
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 1 Masters: 1
    Description: The WPI CS Department current research activities include network performance and analysis, language processor systems, user interfaces, system design simulation, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, database and knowledge acquisition, computational complexity, and computer vision.
    Facilities: The computational facilities of Worcester Polytechnic Institute include a number of labs with DEC, Sun and HP workstations. Specific labs are a Artificial Intelligence Lab, an Image Processing Lab, a Data/Knowledge Base Lab, a Distributed Systems Lab, a Graphics Lab, an Operating Systems and Networking Lab, an Undergraduate Project Lab, and a Graduate Project Lab.
    Program: HCI is a field of interest among a few faculty in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Craig E. Wills (
    2. David C. Brown (

    Wichita State Univ., Psychology
    Contact: Charles G. Halcomb, Professor and Coordinator, Engineering Psychology Program
    Phone: (316) 689 3886
    Fax: (316) 689 3770
    Address: Department of Psychology, Box 34
    Degrees: Ph.D. in Psych. (Eng. Psych. & Human Factors)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: 2 Masters: 0
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: 12 Masters: 4
    Description: The WSU department of psychology has offered a strong masters degree in experimental psychology for many years. In 1990, the state board of regents authorized the department to offer the Ph.D. in Engineering Psychology (Human Factors). Although most of the faculty do not focus on HCI, we do have one faculty member (halcomb) who is primarily interested in this area, and two others that work in the area of visual displays and some of what they do might be construed to be HCI.
    Facilities: The psychology department has many different computer resources available to students. Students working in the HCI lab have access to IBM, VAX, UNIX RISC as well as IBM PC and MAC computers. Each of these platforms has a rich software environment to challenge the learning and research needs and interest of the graduate student. In the HCI lab alone there are 2 MAC Quadra, a 486dx 33Mnz, a VAX 3100, an X terminal with DECNET and TCP access to both VMS and UNIX servers located outside the lab. In addition there are two 386 PCs, video equipment for useability and other studies and full multimedia capability for developing software in the multimedia area.
    Program: HCI is one of about 5 areas of specialization in the department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Charles G. Halcomb (

    Univ. of York, Psychology
    Contact: Andrew Monk,
    Phone: +44 904 433148
    Fax: +44 904 433181
    Address: Department of Psychology University of York York, YO1 5DD, UK
    Degrees: D.Phil (= Ph.D.)
    Recent_HCI_Theses: PhD: Masters:
    Current_HCI_Students: PhD: Masters:
    Description: Applications to register for D.Phil are welcomed. This is three years research, examination by thesis, no taught courses. You would normally be expected to have a first degree (major) in Psychology if registering to do this in the Psychology Department or Computer Science to register in the Computer Science Department.
    HCI Faculty
    1. Andrew Monk (
    2. Nick Hammond (
    3. Lesley Allinson ()