# chi-social-action 10 posts, 3 relevant (DROP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/30 15:40 49 ACM.org Email Forwarding 000002 97/01/02 04:08 53 SocialAction.chi@xerox.com -> chi-Social-Action@acm.org 000003 97/01/07 16:02 112 CFP CHI97: HCI Workshop on Human Needs and Social Responsibil ity 000004 97/04/08 01:46 72 subscribe Pauletta Pan to SIGCHI mailing 000005 97/07/10 19:45 86 New book 000006 97/09/12 18:16 77 Trying to establish contact and discussions with your group 000007 97/09/12 16:06 106 Re: Trying to establish contact and discussions with your gro up 000008 97/10/06 16:55 86 Major social issue 000009 97/12/10 06:41 21 Exciting Web Sales Engine!! 000010 97/12/12 02:54 250 Net Action Report # chi-intercultural 18 posts, intermittent, most relevant (KEEP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/30 15:34 49 ACM.org Email Forwarding 000002 97/01/02 04:08 52 Intercultural.chi@xerox.com -> chi-Intercultural@acm.org 000003 97/01/28 14:50 55 Windows scroll bars, web navigation bars 000004 97/01/28 05:07 10 Sorry 000005 97/01/28 14:09 33 Re: Windows scroll bars, web navigation bars 000006 97/01/28 16:09 48 Re: Windows scroll bars, web navigation bars 000007 97/01/28 10:29 69 Re: Windows scroll bars, web navigation bars 000008 97/01/28 12:20 23 Re: Windows scroll bars, web 000009 97/01/28 13:17 49 Re: Windows scroll bars, web 000010 97/01/28 13:55 69 Re: Windows scroll bars, web 000011 97/03/19 10:01 28 A Special Interest Group at CHI'97 000012 97/04/08 01:46 72 subscribe Pauletta Pan to SIGCHI mailing 000013 97/07/18 09:52 28 culturalally influenced user interfaces: examples? 000014 97/07/18 14:21 22 Re: culturalally influenced user interfaces: examples? 000015 97/07/20 14:44 116 Re: culturalally influenced user interfaces: examples? 000016 97/07/21 09:35 51 Re: culturalally influenced user interfaces: examples? 000017 97/07/21 09:49 27 Re: culturalally influenced user interfaces: examples? 000018 97/07/22 15:20 32 Re: culturally influenced UI 000019 97/07/25 12:49 244 collection: cult. influenced UIs 000020 97/07/27 14:39 39 Re: collection: cult. influenced UIs 000021 97/12/03 13:23 23 A Chinese Program 000022 97/12/10 11:26 21 Exciting Web Sales Engine!! 000023 98/01/26 09:12 69 Any interest in these topics? 000024 98/02/19 09:23 164 Call for Proposals: GLOBAL ISSUES, LOCAL CONCERNS 000025 98/03/16 10:30 65 Intercultural HCI Special Issue Release # chi-email 18 posts, none for a year (DROP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/04 14:19 123 SIGCHI Email and Listserv 000002 96/12/20 11:42 76 ACM LISTSERV email address selection 000003 96/12/20 08:50 30 Re: ACM LISTSERV email address selection 000004 96/12/21 05:32 49 Re: ACM LISTSERV email address selection 000005 96/12/29 15:36 12 help for SIGCHI list users 000006 97/01/02 13:17 26 Re: help for SIGCHI list users 000007 97/01/02 15:56 28 Re: ACM LISTSERV email address selection 000008 97/01/02 16:05 29 SIGCHI open list activity 000009 97/01/04 22:58 66 moderator for chi-announcements 000010 97/02/07 14:18 51 lists for conferences 000011 97/02/12 09:13 42 Re: lists for conferences 000012 97/04/03 20:18 14 chi.announcements policy 000013 97/04/10 12:59 200 Want You receive money ?... read this. 000014 97/04/11 11:35 19 E-mail software 000015 97/04/14 13:40 18 Email software 000016 97/06/25 12:53 10 000017 97/06/25 12:54 10 000018 97/10/16 01:48 34 forward announcement # chi-tech-program 3 posts, none relevant (DROP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/30 15:50 49 ACM.org Email Forwarding 000002 97/01/02 04:08 56 TechProgram.chi@xerox.com -> chi-Tech-Program@acm.org 000003 97/11/06 08:55 16 Life- stock # chi-vision 6 posts, none relevant (DROP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/30 15:40 49 ACM.org Email Forwarding 000002 97/01/02 04:08 52 Vision.chi@xerox.com -> chi-Vision@acm.org 000003 97/04/08 01:46 72 subscribe Pauletta Pan to SIGCHI mailing 000004 97/05/15 02:01 129 Search Engine Secrets 000005 97/06/11 11:46 12 000006 97/07/24 20:57 17 What page was it ? # chi-bibliographic 6 posts, 6 relevant intermittent (KEEP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 97/02/16 01:04 20 anybody there? 000002 97/02/16 22:00 35 Re: anybody there? 000003 97/03/10 20:45 231 CALL for PAPERS: Classification Research 000004 97/04/22 13:52 35 hcibib.org 000005 97/10/06 11:20 31 Different types of expert users 000006 97/11/11 01:58 137 HCI Bibliography - Announcement 23 # chi-kids 167 posts, active at first, but continuing (KEEP) # chi-publications 7 posts, 4 relevant, none for a year (DROP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 96/12/30 15:40 49 ACM.org Email Forwarding 000002 97/01/02 04:08 54 Publications.chi@xerox.com -> chi-Publications@acm.org 000003 97/01/02 21:32 20 sigchi publications news 000004 97/01/03 13:41 21 Unsubscribe 000005 97/02/19 12:32 46 CHI Videos (1990-1994) Info and RFC 000006 97/04/11 00:28 45 SIGCHI Publications Online 000007 97/04/11 00:59 64 CHI Conference Videos Now Available # chi-web 209 posts, most relevant, active (KEEP) Item # Date Time Recs Subject ------ ---- ---- ---- ------- 000001 97/01/31 08:33 57 File: "CHI-WEB LIST" 000002 97/01/31 11:25 31 Re: webhci changes on the horizon 000003 97/02/01 16:17 37 This week's additions to WebHCI 000004 97/02/05 08:51 35 WWW6 History Track 000005 97/02/08 16:12 31 Feb 8 WebHCI updates 000006 97/02/11 23:02 83 Introduction - Bart Van Roey # chi-jobs 133 posts, most relevant, active (KEEP) # chi-students 141 posts, mostly relevant but lots of spam, active (KEEP) # chi-announcements 372 matches, all relevant, active, (KEEP) # chi-ii 109 posts, quiet recently, then spam (KEEP) # chi-educators 58 posts, intermittent (KEEP)