Instructions for Reviewing Papers for HFES Perspectives on HCI Once again, thank you for volunteering your time to reviewing papers for the collection of HCI papers from the Proceedings of the HFES Annual Meetings. Your efforts will help ensure the success of this project. To be useful to the selection process, we need your reviews by Monday, July 10, 1995. This message contains the instructions for reviewing papers, followed by a template for you to fill in and submit to us. Please read the instructions carefully and submit your reviews in the template provided so that your ratings and comments can be processed automatically. Please read the following instructions carefully. Feel free to send any questions you have about them to: Failure to follow the instructions may result in extra work for us, editorial delays, or even that your ratings will be of limited use. Once you have received these instructions and the printed papers, please send a message to: indicating that you have all you need to start your reviews. Please put: "OKAY" in the subject line. If you do not respond, then we have no way of knowing if all is well. To select the best papers for inclusion in the collection, we want an overall rating for each paper. We would appreciate comments to support your ratings. To help categorize papers, regardless of your rating, we also want you to provide keywords. We will be collecting the information you provide with electronic forms that include each reviewer's ID number (from 101 to 154), each paper's year and pages, and the type of information we will be gathering (Rating, Comments, and Keywords). Each paper will have three lines like: [123/1985:1423-1428] Rating: [123/1985:1423-1428] Comments: [123/1985:1423-1428] Keywords: Please add your information to the end of the lines, continuing on subsequent lines if necessary. Please do not modify anything before the last colon (:) or your review information might be missed or misused on a different paper; the labels will be processed by software to place your review in the right places for later summary. RATING We want reviewers to evaluate papers using the following criteria. Highly rated papers should: * focus on BASIC/IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES; * represent work that CONTINUES TO BE USEFUL, the work SHOULD NOT BE DATED; * be FOCUSED ON HCI, particularly to designing and evaluating systems; * REPRESENT THE HFES WELL. We want you to integrate these criteria into one rating of whether the paper should be included in the collection, using the following rank-ordinal scale: Please include comments about the criteria that went into your rating. This paper should be included in the book: strongly disagree slightly neutral slightly strongly disagree disagree agree agree agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KEYWORDS Please indicate relevant categories by adding all descriptors that apply. For example an empirical paper on the intelligibility of speech output for information access might have as keywords: [...] Keywords: *TOV AI ME One on prototyping complex system displays might have: [...] Keywords: LP *TOS AX If a category is missing, then use the "other" categories with a short phrase in quotes. For example, a description of eye-tracking hardware for input to a computer game might have as keywords: [...] Keywords: TIO "eye tracking" AO "games" MD Place an asterisk (*) before keywords you think are most descriptive. We will place more weight on the *s for final grouping. T TECHNOLOGY INPUT / OUTPUT TI Input Technology TIK Keyboards TIP Pointing Devices TIV Voice/Speech Input TIO Other: TO Output Displays TOS Screen Output TOV Voice/Speech Output TON Non-Speech Output TOO Other: L LIFECYCLE ANALYSIS, DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION LA Analysis LD Design LP Prototyping = Design / Implementation LI Implementation LE Evaluation LO Other: A APPLICATION AREAS AC Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) AH Hypermedia and Information Systems AI Intelligent, Expert Systems, and Artificial Intelligence AX Complex Systems AO Other: M METHODOLOGY ME Empirical Studies MC Case Studies MD Software/Hardware Development MS Survey MM Models and Theories MO Other: O OTHER: Your assigned papers and electronic template follow. You may have fewer than 9 papers because some randomly assigned papers may have been reassigned because of potential conflict of interest. As before, please alert us to any potential conflicts of interest to: Please fill in your Rating, Comments, and Keywords for each paper as in the example below, and submit everything after the -=-=- separator line in one message to: Example of Filled Review Template: The Effects of This and That on the Other Thing: A Case Study J. Smith [123/1986:724-726] Rating: 2 [123/1986:724-726] Comments: case study of a topic of little current importance and I thought the title was vague [123/1986:724-726] Keywords: MC O "the other thing" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=