1983:501-504 Customer Installability of Computer Systems Elizabeth M. Comstock 1983:521-525 An Evaluation of Expertise in a File Search Environment Jay Elkerton Robert C. Williges 1983:541-544 An Improved Self-Logging Method for Studying Computer System Activities Paul D. Tynan 1984:267-271 Effects of Keyboard Design and Typing Skill on User Keyboard Preferences and Throughput Performance Hans Brunner Rose Mae Richardson 1984:331-335 The Influence of a Fixed Background in a VDU Display on the Efficiency of Colour and Shape Coding H. J. G. Zwaga F. Duijnhouwer 1984:768-772 Reducing Variability in Natural-Language Interactions with Computers Elizabeth Zoltan-Ford 1985:240-244 Collecting Detailed User Evaluations of Software Interfaces William D. Coleman Robert C. Williges 1985:946-949 Application of Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software Jane N. Mosier Sidney L. Smith 1986:19-23 An Evaluation of Critical Incidents for Software Documentation Design Elisa M. del Galdo Robert C. Williges Beverly H. Williges Dennis R. Wixon 1986:689-693 Subjective and Objective Judgments of Screen Formats James R. Williams William A. Leaf 1986:834-836 Why is Reading Slower from CRT Displays than from Paper John D. Gould Lizette Alfaro Rich Finn Brian Haupt Angela Minuto Josiane Salaun 1986:900-904 Study, Development, and Design of a Mouse Diane Hodes Kenichi Akagi 1986:1029-1033 Evaluating the User Interface: Videotaping Without a Camera Cynthia E. Connally Thomas S. Tullis 1986:1212-1215 Usability Testing of Screen Design: Beyond Standards, Principles, and Guidelines David A. Schell 1986:1349-1353 Assessment of an Interactive Environment for Developing Human-Computer Interfaces Deborah Hix 1987:125-129 Learning and Preference for Icon-Based Interface Douglas J. Brems William B. Whitten, II 1987:442-446 A Comparison of Cursor Control Devices on a Graphics Editing Task Brian W. Epps 1987:524-528 Highlighting and Search Strategy Considerations in Computer-Generated Displays Kay C. Tan Donald L. Fisher 1987:566-570 Evaluating User Interface Complexity John Karat 1987:585-589 Optimizing a Portable Terminal Keyboard for Combined One-Handed and Two-Handed Use Michael E. Wiklund Joseph S. Dumas Lawrence R. Hoffman 1987:710-714 Reworking the User Interface During Convergence of Several Software Products Lynn C. Percival 1987:722-726 Optimizing Visual Search and Cursor Movement in Pull-Down Menus Ellen P. Francik Richard M. Kane 1987:727-731 Time Stress Effects on Two Menu Selection Systems Daniel F. Wallace Nancy S. Anderson Ben Shneiderman 1987:978-982 Learning Hierarchical Menu Systems: A Comparative Investigation of Analogical and Pictorial Formats Jayson M. Webb Arthur F. Kramer 1987:1221-1225 Application of Tullis' Visual Search Model to Highlighted and Non-Highlighted Tabular Displays Pratapray (Paul) Thacker T. S. Tullis A. J. G. Babu 1987:1229-1233 An Axiomatic Model of Information Presentation Gary Perlman 1987:1271-1275 The Influence of Color on Visual Search and Subjective Discomfort using CRT Displays Michael L. Matthews Karin Mertins 1988:254-258 On Applying the Skills, Rules, Knowledge Framework to Interface Design Kim J. Vicente Jens Rasmussen 1988:264-266 Software Usability: Requirements by Evaluation Eric Smith Antonio Siochi 1988:273-277 A Comparative Study of Gestural and Keyboard Interfaces Catherine G. Wolf 1988:284-287 Entry-Based versus Selection-Based Interaction Methods Sharon L. Greene John D. Gould Stephen J. Boies Antonia Meluson Marwan Rasamny 1988:318-322 Browsing Models for Hypermedia Databases Felix Valdez Mark Chignell Bernice Glenn 1988:330-334 Effects of Level of Abstraction and Presentation Media on Usability of User-System Interface Guidelines Ray A. Reaux Robert C. Williges 1988:352-356 The Impact of Task Characteristics on Display Format Effects David R. Schwartz 1989:254-258 Using Databases in the Design of User Interfaces for Complex Systems Donald M. Allen Daniel T. Donohoo William H. Muto 1989:259-263 Towards a Generic Strategy for Empirical Evaluation of Interactive Computing Systems Thomas T. Hewett 1989:325-329 A Benchmark Comparison of Mouse and Touch Interface Techniques for an Intelligent Workstation Windowing Environment Robert Mack Kathy Lang 1989:370-374 Highlighting in Alphanumeric Displays: The Efficacy of Monochrome Methods Cheryl G. Spoto A. J. G. Babu 1989:385-389 Differences in Performance and Preference for Object-Oriented vs. Bit-Mapped Graphics Interfaces Michael F. Mohageg 1989:390-393 The Content of Help Screens: Users versus Developers Richard S. Keister 1989:1218-1222 The Case for Independent Software Usability Testing: Lessons Learned from a Successful Intervention David W. Biers 1990:272-276 Design Issues for Graphical UNIX User Interfaces Stephanie M. Doane Peter G. Polson Walter Kintsch 1990:329-333 Derivation and Validation of a Quantitative Method for the Analysis of Consistency for Interface Design Toshiaki Tanaka Ray E. Eberts Gavriel Salvendy 1990:356-359 Menuing and Scrolling as Alternative Information Access Techniques Sarah J. Swierenga 1990:360-364 Time Estimation of Computer "Wait" Message Displays Joachim Meyer David Shinar David Leiser 1990:424-428 The Impact of Icons & Visual Effects on Learning Computer Databases David H. Merwin Brian P. Dyre Darryl G. Humphrey John Grimes John F. Larish 1990:1103-1107 New Challenges for Iterative Software Design of a Panel-Oriented Interface Greta L. Myers Deborah A. T. Larnerd 1990:1447-1451 Effect of Image Polarity on VDT Task Performance Harry L. Snyder Jennie J. Decker Charles J. C. Lloyd Craig Dye 1991:251-252 User Assessment of Standard and Reduced-Size Numeric Keypads David F. Loricchio James R. Lewis 1991:256-260 Integrating Cursor Control into the Computer Keyboard Rick Gill Sallie Gordon Steven Dean Daniel McGehee 1991:315-318 Development of a Multisensory Nonvisual Interface to Computers for Blind Users Gregg C. Vanderheiden Wesley Boyd John H. Mendenhall, Jr. Kelly Ford 1991:374-378 Display Format and Highlighting Validity Effects on Search Performance Using Complex Visual Displays Kimberly A. Donner Tim McKay Kevin M. O'Brien Marianne Rudisill 1991:1432-1436 Image Quality Determines Differences in Reading Performance and Perceived Image Quality with CRT and Hard-Copy Displays Gerard C. Jorna 1992:185-189 Computer Anxiety and the Older Adult: Relationships with Computer Experience, Gender, Education and Age Jennifer L. Dyck Janan Al-Awar Smither 1992:276-280 Description and Prediction of Long-Term Learning of a Keyboarding Task Mark McMulkin 1992:293-297 Touchscreen Interfaces for Alphanumeric Data Entry Catherine Plaisant Andrew Sears 1992:298-302 A Comparison of Direct-Manipulation, Selection, and Data-Entry Techniques for Reordering Fields in a Table Thomas S. Tullis Marianne L. Kodimer 1992:306-310 The Predictability of Cursor Control Device Performance Based on a Primitive Set of User Object-Oriented Cursor Actions Joseph D. Chase Sherry Perdue Casali H. Rex Hartson 1992:336-340 An Application of the Semantic Differential to Icon Design Rungtai Lin 1992:374-378 Evaluating User Interface Development Tools Deborah Hix Tim Ryan 1992:379-383 Taking the "Task" Out of Task Analysis Janet L. Fath Randolph G. Bias 1992:433-437 Usability Analysis of Design Guideline Database in Human-Computer Interface Design Katsuhiko Ogawa Shun-ichi Yonemura 1992:443-447 The Interface between Human Factors and Design Douglas J. Gillan Randolph G. Bias 1992:470-474 Graphical Interfaces to Complex Systems: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff John M. Flach Kevin B. Bennett 1992:902-906 Diversity in Field-Articulation and Its Implications for Human-Computer Interface Design Kay M. Stanney Gavriel Salvendy 1993:263-267 Developing Interactive Guidelines for Software User Interface Design: A Case Study Brian H. Philips 1993:282-286 Performance vs. Preference Robert W. Bailey 1993:343-347 Color versus Texture Coding to Improve Visual Search Performance Gary Perlman J. Edward Swan, II 1993:348-352 Spatial Layout of Displayed Information: Three Steps Toward Developing Quantitative Models Michelle A. Vincow Christopher D. Wickens 1993:453-455 Software Interface Evaluation: Modeling of Human Error S. J. Wright S. J. Packebush D. A. Mitta 1993:849-853 The Effects of Physical Attributes of Computer Interface Design on Novice and Experienced Performance of Users with Physical Disabilities Sherry Perdue Casali Joseph D. Chase 1993:1137-1141 A Methodology and Encoding Scheme for Evaluating the Usability of Graphical, Direct Manipulation Style Interfaces Donna L. Cuomo 1994:220-224 Cooperative Human-Computer Decision Making: An Experiment and Some Design Implications Gunilla A. Sundstrom Anthony C. Salvador 1994:300-304 User Interface Design Guidelines for Computer Accessibility by Mentally Retarded Adults Gretchen L. Robertson Deborah Hix 1994:305-309 The User Interface Design Process: The Good, the Bad, & We Did What We Could in Two Weeks Marta A. Miller Reynold P. Stimart 1994:315-319 Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering Practices William E. Hefley Elizabeth A. Buie Gene F. Lynch Michael J. Muller Douglas G. Hoecker Jim Carter J. Thomas Roth 1994:1094-1098 Quantitative Evaluation of Four Computer Keyboards: Wrist Posture and Typing Performance C. Chen S. Burastero P. Tittiranonda K. Hollerbach M. Shih R. Denhoy 1994:1131-1134 Software Usability Testing: Do User Self-Consciousness and the Laboratory Environment Make Any Difference? Richard T. Barker David W. Biers 1994:1326-1330 Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Representing Three-Dimensional Objects on Computer Displays Eric N. Wiebe