I wish to debate the following in which I am in the minority. Maybe it was not the best use of my time, but it was interesting. Look over the following, if you will, and consider changing your votes. I will now go back an remap Mike's Y- votes and get the pages for the earlier years online. For the most part, if you both rated something highly, I tended to agree, or at least not mind it. YNY: Yous say Y an' I sez N 1987 1082 dated review of tools no one uses now 1988 357 dated PC-based design tool 1991 421 cash registers will seem too specialized 1991 1532 about graph reading, marginally on data display I thought it was interesting to see what I rated highly but you both rated low. I thought there should be some more prepresentation of auditory user interfaces, multimodal UIs, dynamic visual displays, and eye-movement as a method of study. NYN: Yous say N an' I sez Y 1987 144 sound in UI 1987 253 sound in UI 1987 258 rapcom 1987 820 chord keyboard 1987 1123 application of tullis to a expert tool 1987 1184 multimodal integration 1988 215 speech UI 1988 219 mental models 1988 224 CSCW video conf 1988 242 speech output 1988 247 auditory display 1988 1021 eng data compendium development 1988 1350 intelligent automatic display 1988 1395 rapcom 1989 28 icons vs. text 1989 229 message wording 1989 239 speech output 1989 606 methodology 1989 1368 quant use of color 1989 1373 color in displays 1990 448 displays for disabled 1990 839 cost-benefit calculation 1990 1265 eye-tracking vs. thinking aloud 1991 461 eye-tracking in usability 1991 718 auditory display 1991 723 auditory display 1991 1471 dynamic color 1991 1476 eye movement 1992 263 auditory display 1993 539 auditory display 1993 544 auditory display 1993 549 auditory display 1993 854 disabled 1994 404 ethics