1983 ================================================= "Customer Installability of Computer Systems" Elizabeth M. Comstock "An Evaluation of Expertise in a File Search Environment" Jay Elkerton Robert C. Williges "An Improved Self-Logging Method for Studying Computer System Activities" Paul D. Tynan 1984 ================================================= "Effects of Keyboard Design and Typing Skill on User Keyboard Preferences and Throughput Performance" Hans Brunner Rose Mae Richardson "The Influence of a Fixed Background in a VDU Display on the Efficiency of Colour and Shape Coding" H. J. G. Zwaga F. Duijnhouwer "Reducing Variability in Natural-Language Interactions with Computers" Elizabeth Zoltan-Ford 1985 ================================================= "Collecting Detailed User Evaluations of Software Interfaces" William D. Coleman Robert C. Williges Dennis R. Wixon "Application of Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software" Jane N. Mosier Sidney L. Smith 1986 ================================================= "An Evaluation of Critical Incidents for Software Documentation Design" Elisa M. del Galdo Robert C. Williges Beverly H. Williges Dennis R. Wixon "Subjective and Objective Judgments of Screen Formats" James R. Williams William A. Leaf "Why is Reading Slower from CRT Displays than from Paper" John D. Gould Lizette Alfaro Rich Finn Brian Haupt Angela Minuto Josiane Salaun "Study, Development, and Design of a Mouse" Diane Hodes Kenichi Akagi "Evaluating the User Interface: Videotaping Without a Camera" Cynthia E. Connally Thomas S. Tullis "Usability Testing of Screen Design: Beyond Standards, Principles, and Guidelines" David A. Schell "Assessment of an Interactive Environment for Developing Human-Computer Interfaces" Deborah Hix 1987 ================================================= "Learning and Preference for Icon-Based Interface" Douglas J. Brems William B. Whitten, II "A Comparison of Cursor Control Devices on a Graphics Editing Task" Brian W. Epps "Highlighting and Search Strategy Considerations in Computer-Generated Displays" Kay C. Tan Donald L. Fisher "Evaluating User Interface Complexity" John Karat "Optimizing a Portable Terminal Keyboard for Combined One-Handed and Two-Handed Use" Michael E. Wiklund Joseph S. Dumas Lawrence R. Hoffman "Reworking the User Interface During Convergence of Several Software Products" Lynn C. Percival "Optimizing Visual Search and Cursor Movement in Pull-Down Menus" Ellen P. Francik Richard M. Kane "Time Stress Effects on Two Menu Selection Systems" Daniel F. Wallace Nancy S. Anderson Ben Shneiderman "Learning Hierarchical Menu Systems: A Comparative Investigation of Analogical and Pictorial Formats" Jayson M. Webb Arthur F. Kramer "Application of Tullis' Visual Search Model to Highlighted and Non-Highlighted Tabular Displays" Pratapray (Paul) Thacker T. S. Tullis A. J. G. Babu "An Axiomatic Model of Information Presentation" Gary Perlman "The Influence of Color on Visual Search and Subjective Discomfort using CRT Displays" Michael L. Matthews Karin Mertins 1988 ================================================= "On Applying the Skills, Rules, Knowledge Framework to Interface Design" Kim J. Vicente Jens Rasmussen "Software Usability: Requirements by Evaluation" Eric Smith Antonio Siochi "A Comparative Study of Gestural and Keyboard Interfaces" Catherine G. Wolf "Entry-Based versus Selection-Based Interaction Methods" Sharon L. Greene John D. Gould Stephen J. Boies Antonia Meluson Marwan Rasamny "Browsing Models for Hypermedia Databases" Felix Valdez Mark Chignell Bernice Glenn "Effects of Level of Abstraction and Presentation Media on Usability of User-System Interface Guidelines" Ray A. Reaux Robert C. Williges "The Impact of Task Characteristics on Display Format Effects" David R. Schwartz 1989 ================================================= "Using Databases in the Design of User Interfaces for Complex Systems" Donald M. Allen Daniel T. Donohoo William H. Muto "Towards a Generic Strategy for Empirical Evaluation of Interactive Computing Systems" Thomas T. Hewett "A Benchmark Comparison of Mouse and Touch Interface Techniques for an Intelligent Workstation Windowing Environment" Robert Mack Kathy Lang "Highlighting in Alphanumeric Displays: The Efficacy of Monochrome Methods" Cheryl G. Spoto A. J. G. Babu "Differences in Performance and Preference for Object-Oriented vs. Bit-Mapped Graphics Interfaces" Michael F. Mohageg "The Content of Help Screens: Users versus Developers" Richard S. Keister "The Case for Independent Software Usability Testing: Lessons Learned from a Successful Intervention" David W. Biers 1990 ================================================= "Design Issues for Graphical UNIX User Interfaces" Stephanie M. Doane Peter G. Polson Walter Kintsch "Derivation and Validation of a Quantitative Method for the Analysis of Consistency for Interface Design" Toshiaki Tanaka Ray E. Eberts Gavriel Salvendy "Menuing and Scrolling as Alternative Information Access Techniques" Sarah J. Swierenga "Time Estimation of Computer "Wait" Message Displays" Joachim Meyer David Shinar David Leiser "The Impact of Icons & Visual Effects on Learning Computer Databases" David H. Merwin Brian P. Dyre Darryl G. Humphrey John Grimes John F. Larish "New Challenges for Iterative Software Design of a Panel-Oriented Interface" Greta L. Myers Deborah A. T. Larnerd "Effect of Image Polarity on VDT Task Performance" Harry L. Snyder Jennie J. Decker Charles J. C. Lloyd Craig Dye 1991 ================================================= "User Assessment of Standard and Reduced-Size Numeric Keypads" David F. Loricchio James R. Lewis "Integrating Cursor Control into the Computer Keyboard" Rick Gill Sallie Gordon Steven Dean Daniel McGehee "Development of a Multisensory Nonvisual Interface to Computers for Blind Users" Gregg C. Vanderheiden Wesley Boyd John H. Mendenhall, Jr. Kelly Ford "Display Format and Highlighting Validity Effects on Search Performance Using Complex Visual Displays" Kimberly A. Donner Tim McKay Kevin M. O'Brien Marianne Rudisill "Image Quality Determines Differences in Reading Performance and Perceived Image Quality with CRT and Hard-Copy Displays" Gerard C. Jorna 1992 ================================================= "Computer Anxiety and the Older Adult: Relationships with Computer Experience, Gender, Education and Age" Jennifer L. Dyck Janan Al-Awar Smither "Description and Prediction of Long-Term Learning of a Keyboarding Task" Mark McMulkin "Touchscreen Interfaces for Alphanumeric Data Entry" Catherine Plaisant Andrew Sears "A Comparison of Direct-Manipulation, Selection, and Data-Entry Techniques for Reordering Fields in a Table" Thomas S. Tullis Marianne L. Kodimer "The Predictability of Cursor Control Device Performance Based on a Primitive Set of User Object-Oriented Cursor Actions" Joseph D. Chase Sherry Perdue Casali H. Rex Hartson "An Application of the Semantic Differential to Icon Design" Rungtai Lin "Evaluating User Interface Development Tools" Deborah Hix Tim Ryan "Taking the "Task" Out of Task Analysis" Janet L. Fath Randolph G. Bias "Usability Analysis of Design Guideline Database in Human-Computer Interface Design" Katsuhiko Ogawa Shun-ichi Yonemura "The Interface between Human Factors and Design" Douglas J. Gillan Randolph G. Bias "Graphical Interfaces to Complex Systems: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff" John M. Flach Kevin B. Bennett "Diversity in Field-Articulation and Its Implications for Human-Computer Interface Design" Kay M. Stanney Gavriel Salvendy 1993 ================================================= "Developing Interactive Guidelines for Software User Interface Design: A Case Study" Brian H. Philips "Performance vs. Preference" Robert W. Bailey "Color versus Texture Coding to Improve Visual Search Performance" Gary Perlman J. Edward Swan, II "Spatial Layout of Displayed Information: Three Steps Toward Developing Quantitative Models" Michelle A. Vincow Christopher D. Wickens "Software Interface Evaluation: Modeling of Human Error" S. J. Wright S. J. Packebush D. A. Mitta "The Effects of Physical Attributes of Computer Interface Design on Novice and Experienced Performance of Users with Physical Disabilities" Sherry Perdue Casali Joseph D. Chase "A Methodology and Encoding Scheme for Evaluating the Usability of Graphical, Direct Manipulation Style Interfaces" Donna L. Cuomo 1994 ================================================= "Cooperative Human-Computer Decision Making: An Experiment and Some Design Implications" Gunilla A. Sundstrom Anthony C. Salvador "User Interface Design Guidelines for Computer Accessibility by Mentally Retarded Adults" Gretchen L. Robertson Deborah Hix "The User Interface Design Process: The Good, the Bad, & We Did What We Could in Two Weeks" Marta A. Miller Reynold P. Stimart "Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering Practices" William E. Hefley Elizabeth A. Buie Gene F. Lynch Michael J. Muller Douglas G. Hoecker Jim Carter J. Thomas Roth "Quantitative Evaluation of Four Computer Keyboards: Wrist Posture and Typing Performance" C. Chen S. Burastero P. Tittiranonda K. Hollerbach M. Shih R. Denhoy "Software Usability Testing: Do User Self-Consciousness and the Laboratory Environment Make Any Difference?" Richard T. Barker David W. Biers "Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Representing Three-Dimensional Objects on Computer Displays" Eric N. Wiebe