[1] GENERAL HCI SESSIONS (MODELS?) [2] TECHNOLOGY: INPUT / OUTPUT [2.1] Input [2.2] Output Displays [3] LIFECYCLE: ANALYSIS, DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION [3.1] Analysis [3.2] Design [3.3] Prototyping = Design / Implementation [3.4] Implementation [3.5] Evaluation [4] APPLICATION AREAS [4.1] CSCW [4.2] AI and Expert Systems [4.3] Complex Systems [4.4] Information Systems [1] GENERAL HCI SESSIONS (MODELS?) ============================== human-computer interaction interfacing with the user modeling models and modeling [2] TECHNOLOGY: INPUT / OUTPUT ========================== [2.1] Input 3d input and display keyboard input devices keyboards and input devices input device comparisons input devices input techniques handwriting, speech, touchscreen, and other input techniques head movement, gestures, and speech input handwriting, speech, and other input techniques cursor control and other input techniques speech and writing touch and gesture [2.2] Output Displays computer displays displays and graphics computer-based displays visual display of information color, menus, and other information presentation techniques information presentation computer menu and screen design virtual reality and virtual environments visual perception in virtual environments [3] LIFECYCLE: ANALYSIS, DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, EVALUATION ======================================================= integrating human factors within software engineering practices [3.1] Analysis computer users: from beginner to expert analysis and modeling of use of procedures in dynamic worlds: implications for the design of computer-based procedures analysis of error in complex decision-making tasks analyzing, designing, developing, and evaluating adaptive systems [3.2] Design design guidelines user interface design issues user interface guidelines designing control rooms for the year 2000: new technologies, new techniques? defining the human-computer interface from guidelines to standards design to installation interaction styles interface design issues interface design methodology approaches to user interface design [3.3] Prototyping = Design / Implementation prototyping prototyping/usability [3.4] Implementation tools and techniques tools for user interface design development tools and techniques [3.5] Evaluation computer system testing usability usability and rapid prototyping usability testing methodology quantifying interface design [4] APPLICATION AREAS ================= applications of computer systems [4.1] CSCW cscw: evolution and status of computer-supported cooperative work developing supporting and cooperative systems [4.2] AI and Expert Systems expert systems formulation of expert system knowledge knowledge acquisition and expert systems knowledge acquisition/expert systems [4.3] Complex Systems complex systems complex systems and information access [4.4] Information Systems on-line information/expert systems user interface navigation and a model for explicit research-practice interaction using on-line information hypermedia and interfaces: design and evaluation hypertext and multimedia