HF Perspectives on HCI

Table of Contents

Document URL: http://www.acm.org/~perlman/hfeshci/contents.html

Human Factors Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction: Selections from Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings, 1983-1994

Edited by Gary Perlman, Georgia K. Green, and Michael S. Wogalter

Published by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Table of Contents


  1. Customer Installability of Computer Systems
  2. Evaluation of Expertise in a File Search Environment
    (Elkerton / Williges)
  3. Self-Logging Method for Studying System Activities


  1. Effects of Keyboard Design & Typing Skill on Preferences & Performance
    (Brunner / Richardson)
  2. Influence of Fixed VDU Background on Efficiency of Color & Shape Coding
    (Zwaga / Duijnhouwer)
  3. Reducing Variability in Natural-Language Interactions


  1. Collecting Detailed User Evaluations of Interfaces
    (Coleman / Williges / Wixon)
  2. Application of Guidelines for Designing Interfaces
    (Mosier / Smith)


  1. Evaluation of Critical Incidents for Documentation Design
    (del Galdo / Williges / Williges / Wixon)
  2. Subjective & Objective Judgments of Screen Formats
    (Williams / Leaf)
  3. Why is Reading Slower from CRT Displays than from Paper
    (Gould / Alfaro / Finn / Haupt / Minuto / Salaun)
  4. Study, Development, & Design of a Mouse
    (Hodes / Akagi)
  5. Evaluating the Interface: Videotaping Without a Camera
    (Connally / Tullis)
  6. Usability Testing of Screen Design
  7. Assessing a Interactive Environment for Developing Interfaces


  1. Learning & Preference for Icon-Based Interface
    (Brems / Whitten)
  2. Comparison of Cursor Control Devices on a Graphics Editing Task
  3. Highlighting & Search Strategy in Computer-Generated Displays
    (Tan / Fisher)
  4. Evaluating Interface Complexity
  5. Portable Terminal Keyboard for One- & Two-Handed Use
    (Wiklund / Dumas / Hoffman)
  6. Reworking the Interface during Convergence of Software Products
  7. Optimizing Visual Search & Cursor Movement in Pull-Down Menus
    (Francik / Kane)
  8. Time Stress Effects on Two Menu Selection Systems
    (Wallace / Anderson / Shneiderman)
  9. Learning Hierarchical Menu Systems: Analogical & Pictorial Formats
    (Webb / Kramer)
  10. Applying Tullis Visual Search Model to (Non)Highlighted Tabular Displays
    (Thacker / Tullis / Babu)
  11. Axiomatic Model of Information Presentation
  12. Influence of Color on Visual Search & Subjective Discomfort
    (Matthews / Mertins)


  1. Applying the Skills, Rules, Knowledge Framework to Interface Design
    (Vicente / Rasmussen)
  2. Usability: Requirements by Evaluation
    (Smith / Siochi)
  3. Comparative Study of Gestural & Keyboard Interfaces
  4. Entry-Based vs. Selection-Based Interaction Methods
    (Greene / Gould / Boies / Meluson / Rasamny)
  5. Browsing Models for Hypermedia Databases
    (Valdez / Chignell / Glenn)
  6. Effects of Level of Abstraction & Presentation Media on Guidelines Usability
    (Reaux / Williges)
  7. Impact of Task Characteristics on Display Format Effects


  1. Using Databases in the Design of Interfaces for Complex Systems
    (Allen / Donohoo / Muto)
  2. Generic Strategy for Empirical Evaluation of Interactive Computing Systems
  3. Benchmark Comparison of Mouse & Touch Interface Techniques
    (Mack / Lang)
  4. Highlighting in Monochrome Alphanumeric Displays
    (Spoto / Babu)
  5. Performance & Preference for Vector vs. Bit-Mapped Interfaces
  6. Content of Help Screens: Users vs. Developers
  7. Independent Usability Testing: Lessons Learned


  1. Design Issues for Graphical UNIX Interfaces
    (Doane / Polson / Kintsch)
  2. Derivation & Validation of a Quantitative Method for Analysis of Consistency
    (Tanaka / Eberts / Salvendy)
  3. Menuing & Scrolling as Alternative Information Access Techniques
  4. Time Estimation of "Wait" Message Displays
    (Meyer / Shinar / Leiser)
  5. Impact of Icons & Visual Effects on Learning Databases
    (Merwin / Dyre / Humphrey / Grimes / Larish)
  6. Iterative Design of a Panel-Oriented Interface
    (Myers / Larnerd)
  7. Effect of Image Polarity on VDT Task Performance
    (Snyder / Decker / Lloyd / Dye)


  1. User Assessment of Standard & Reduced-Size Numeric Keypads
    (Loricchio / Lewis)
  2. Integrating Cursor Control into the Keyboard
    (Gill / Gordon / Dean / McGehee)
  3. Multisensory Nonvisual Interface for Blind Users
    (Vanderheiden / Boyd / Mendenhall / Ford)
  4. Display Format & Highlighting Validity Effects on Search Performance
    (Donner / McKay / O'Brien / Rudisill)
  5. Differences in Reading Performance & Perceived Image Quality


  1. Computer Anxiety & Older Adults: Experience, Gender, Education, Age
    (Dyck / Smither)
  2. Long-Term Learning of a Keyboarding Task
  3. Touchscreen Interfaces for Alphanumeric Data Entry
    (Plaisant / Sears)
  4. Comparison of Direct-Manipulation, Selection, & Data-Entry Techniques
    (Tullis / Kodimer)
  5. Predictability of Cursor Control Performance using a Primitive Set of Actions
    (Chase / Casali / Hartson)
  6. Application of the Semantic Differential to Icon Design
  7. Evaluating Interface Development Tools
    (Hix / Ryan)
  8. Taking the "Task" Out of Task Analysis
    (Fath / Bias)
  9. Usability Analysis of Guideline Database in Interface Design
    (Ogawa / Yonemura)
  10. Interface between Human Factors & Design
    (Gillan / Bias)
  11. Graphical Interfaces to Complex Systems
    (Flach / Bennett)
  12. Diversity in Field-Articulation & Implications for Interface Design
    (Stanney / Salvendy)


  1. Developing Interactive Guidelines for Interface Design
  2. Performance vs. Preference
  3. Color vs. Texture Coding to Improve Visual Search Performance
    (Perlman / Swan)
  4. Spatial Layout of Displayed Information: Developing Quantitative Models
    (Vincow / Wickens)
  5. Interface Evaluation: Modeling of Human Error
    (Wright / Packebush / Mitta)
  6. Effects of Interface Design on Novice & Experienced Disabled Users
    (Casali / Chase)
  7. Evaluating Usability of Graphical, Direct Manipulation Interfaces


  1. Cooperative Human-Computer Decision Making
    (Sundstrom / Salvador)
  2. Design Guidelines for Accessibility by Mentally Retarded Adults
    (Robertson / Hix)
  3. Interface Design Process: We Did What We Could in Two Weeks
    (Miller / Stimart)
  4. Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering Practices
    (Hefley / Buie / Lynch / Muller / Hoecker / Carter / Roth)
  5. Evaluation of Keyboards: Wrist Posture & Typing Performance
    (Chen / Burastero / Tittiranonda / Hollerbach / Shih / Denhoy)
  6. Usability Testing: Effects of Self-Consciousness & Lab Environment
    (Barker / Biers)
  7. Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Representing 3-D Objects