The Influence of Color on Visual Search and Subjective Discomfort using CRT Displays
Michael L. Matthews / Karin Mertins

Abstract: Visual search and decision making performance together with subjective fatigue were investigated over a four hour time block as a function of display foreground and background chromaticity, using colors matched for equivalent brightness. Although some small differences in performance related to chromaticity were observed, these were not exacerbated over time. On the basis of the performance data obtained and the subjective reports, there would appear to be no support obtained for the general recommendation to avoid the use of red and blue stimuli either alone or in combination in CRT displays.

Keywords: CRT; Coding, color; Color; Empirical studies; Models and theories; Screen output; VDT/VDU; Visual search

Originally published: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting, 1987, pp. 1271-1275

Republished: G. Perlman, G. K. Green, & M. S. Wogalter (Eds.) Human Factors Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction: Selections from Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings, 1983-1994, Santa Monica, CA: HFES, 1995, pp. 125-129.