Application of Tullis' Visual Search Model to Highlighted and Non-Highlighted Tabular Displays
Pratapray (Paul) Thacker / T. S. Tullis / A. J. G. Babu

Abstract: This paper presents a comparison of experimental results with predictions obtained from Tullis' (1984) model of search times for tabular displays. Three levels of information density for displays with and without highlighting were used in a series of experiments. The highlighting of information was done by adding graphic boundaries (lines). Two levels of highlighting were used. A question-answer type of visual search was performed for two different tasks. The search time results are discussed and a method for utilizing Tullis' model for highlighted displays is suggested.

Keywords: Coding, outline; Empirical studies; Highlighting; Models and theories; Screen output; Tabular displays; Visual search

Originally published: Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting, 1987, pp. 1221-1225

Republished: G. Perlman, G. K. Green, & M. S. Wogalter (Eds.) Human Factors Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction: Selections from Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings, 1983-1994, Santa Monica, CA: HFES, 1995, pp. 115-119.