.P/taxhol.txt Previous experience tied to the explotation/marketing of SR&ED results. Gary Perlman's research and experiemental development is focused on ways to better exploit the assets of the OCLC Library Cooperative, specifically reference and resource sharing services such as the FirstSearch research service centered on the WorldCat database. WorldCat contains 50 million bibliographic records of materials in libraries worldwide and is the cornerstone of OCLC's current strategic plan. Enhancing the usefulness of the information in WorldCat will increase the markets OCLC can serve, and increasing the multilingual features will enhance the market of OCLC product and services internationally. Working at OCLC's main site for the past seven years, Gary Perlman has pushed FirstSearch to the leading edge of library research tools. In Quebec, he will continue this work, and also be able to leverage the multilingual strengths of the area to further advance OCLC's global markets. Gary Perlman, through his work on the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) Bibliography (www.hcibib.org) and more recently on OCLC FirstSearch (firstsearch.oclc.org), is a leading expert on the development of bibliographic and full text research tools. Through his work on the HCI Bibliography and in the area of HCI, Gary Perlman is one of the world's most widely recognized researchers in HCI, and is able to use his central role to draw on resources worldwide. As a researcher and software developer, he is able to incorporate leading-edge results in systems that people can use in the very near future; technology transfer to Web-based search engines happens in months from conception, to analysis, through internal and external evaluation. Specific examples: Applying his knowledge of computer science (e.g., using hash tables of hash tables for fast lookup translations of structured terminology), and French (for preliminary translations, but primarily of the structure of European languages), the candidate initiated the creation of the first multilingual version of FirstSearch, built the production system and performed the performance analysis. Applying knowledge of expert systems and online help systems, the candidate developed an expert system to identify problem areas in search (e.g., too many or too few matches), diagnose the reasons for the problems (e.g., too few terms or possible spelling error), and offer suggestions to improve results. In many cases, problems were identified by the analysis of search logs for millions of searches, and in all cases, the effectiveness of the the search results expert system was evaluated through the analysis of millions of subsequent searches. holdings, doctpye tabs and material type - previously unexploited multilingual FirstSearch 4.0 search history FirstSearch 5.0 architecture Dr. Search and spelling Library ranking - deciding when to do Unicode display Document type tabs and subtypes - what to show and when to do More like this, title+author, FRBR FS redesign of basic search hot topics OPAC links suggest-o-matic ILL integration Group Catalog FRBR HCIBIB |STAT questionnaires Measures: number of searches, percentage of searches normalized by logins reduced response time reduced zero hit search increased holdings amount of data used # limit links # uses change in usage