I Can't Wait for the Reunion My first day of kindergarten, I cried all day, and for the rest of the year In first grade, I wet my pants, and every day that year In second grade, the kids started to call me "Stinky" because I pooped in my pants, and they still do because I still do In third grade, I still could not read, but I could pick my nose until it bled In fourth grade, I was beat up by a second grader, and the kids chanted "STIN-KY STIN-KY" with the blows In fifth grade, I ate a week old sandwich I found in my desk and I barfed in class In sixth grade, I split my pants and everyone saw my underwear In seventh grade, my period went through my pants, and when my teacher made we come up to the front of the class, everyone saw it and my erection In eighth grade, people stopped calling me "Stinky" but they started calling me "Pizza face" because of my acne In ninth grade, I was caught masturbating behind the stage by the choir In tenth grade, I smoked my first cigarette and passed out and then, my friends stuffed me in a locker. In eleventh grade, I was rejected by the first person I asked out to the Prom, and the second, and one and on, and I had to go with my cousin who was paid by my parents I wonder if anyone will remember me