Hi Tom, I hope things are going well for you. Things are busy here. Here are some pictures of the kids: http://photos.yahoo.com/garyperlman I hope to see you at CHI 2002, maybe even see where you live! Phil Mercurio told me he won't make it because he does not want to be away from his daughter. I can understand that. I have yet to read "The Chicago Tribune Tower competition" but intend to, some day. It seems to be in a lot of libraries (over 250 OCLC libraries) and it even has a pile of extra content at amazon.com. I have some questions for you. Please keep all this confidential. Caroline should be promoted to full professor this year, and she just had her first Psych Review paper accepted. Despite this success, she has not been happy at OSU because of a lack of colleagues and department politics. So she's on the job market and things look like they are moving along with that and she may get an offer soon. Assuming that she does, I need to find a job. Or do I? I'm going to inform my management of Caroline's situation soon -- maybe this week -- and bring up the possibility that I could continue to work for OCLC, but remotely. You've been doing this for years, first for Apple and now for IBM. Can you describe what makes it work for you (besides that you are working on a topic that makes your remote location a constraint to study)? What is your day to day schedule like? I want to continue work at OCLC for all the right reasons, but I am also motivated my the economics of the possibilities. It looks like Caroline will get an offer from McGill, less than half a mile from my mother's apartment, and salaries in Canada -- including Montreal -- are lower than the U.S. I don't think Canadian salaries come close to my income, and that's before the Canadian weak dollar and high taxes are counted. Also, I don't know the job situation in Montreal, so it would be nice to go there without changing jobs. And from OCLC's point of view, I am highly valued, so they would be motivated to make it work. So if you have any advice about how to propose, set up, and maintain a remote job, I'd love to hear about it. Gary