Let me tell you about where I work, and why I knew from experience there, that the reunion was destined for success from the time I saw a room full of people at Sandy's. OCLC (the Online Computer Library Center) was founded in 1971 (while were were at Wagar) as a joint online cataloging effort of six Ohio university libraries. The idea was that if one library had entered a catalog record, the others could just add their library symbol to the record if they owned it. If a library wanted an item they did not own, they would know who owned it, and they could borrow it from a holding library. Today, there are over 9000 cataloging libraries worldwide, and WorldCat, the online union catalog, contains over 50,000,000 records with over 900,000,000 records of library ownership. It is a resource that is used by 45,000 libaries in about 70 countries, searched millions of times a month. OCLC is a non-profit library cooperative that has the goal of improving library access to information and reducing costs. So you might be wondering, what is the relationship of what we did with something as large as WorldCat. There are a few parallels. While the numbers are not on the same scale, we did have multipiers. Each person on the committee contacted others, who contacted others. Reluctant classmates were won over by several contacts. There were several types of contacts: e-mail, phone, the message board, the memorabilia site. The e-mails and phone calls started slowly, but eventually, multiple people were contacting multiple people and the number of contacts grew exponentially. The same happened on the message board, with 2500 messages in April. There were different types of messages: something for everyone. There were different types of attractions. As the different types of contact grew, the list of interested registrants grew. When registration started, it started slowly, but eventually got into the rate of a few a day. The number of registrants made the reunion an event that could not be missed. Not everything grew exponentially. The number of classmates was limited. The number of class pictures was limited. But the number we got of each was due to a cumulative effect of all of us providing more and more reasons to come.