This document shows the topics covered by the included papers: + some coverage # more coverage The first column shows the page number. The second column shows the first author. The title of the paper is appended to the line. |Analysis | | |Design | | | |Prototyping |---- Lifecycle Stage | | | |Implementation | | | | | |Evaluation | | | | | | |Empirical Studies | | | | | | | |Case Studies | | | | | | | | |Soft/Hardware Devel. |---- Methodology Used | | | | | | | | |Survey | | | | | | | | | | |Models and Theories | 1 Comstock | | | |+|+| |+|+| | |Customer Installability of Computer Systems 5 Elkerton | | | | | |+| | | | |Evaluation of Expertise in a File Search Environment 10 Tynan |#| | | | |#|+| |+| |Self-Logging Method for Studying System Activities 14 Brunner | |+| | | |+| | | | |Effects of Keyboard Design & Typing Skill on Preferences & Performance 19 Zwaga | | |+| | |+| | | | |Influence of Fixed VDU Background on Efficiency of Color & Shape Coding 24 Zoltan-Ford | | | | | |+| | | | |Reducing Variability in Natural-Language Interactions 29 Coleman | | | | |+|+| |+|#| |Collecting Detailed User Evaluations of Interfaces 34 Mosier | |#| | |+| | |+|#| |Application of Guidelines for Designing Interfaces 38 del Galdo | | | | |#|+| |+| | |Evaluation of Critical Incidents for Documentation Design 43 Williams | |+| | |+|+| | | | |Subjective & Objective Judgments of Screen Formats 48 Gould | | | | | |+| | | | |Why is Reading Slower from CRT Displays than from Paper 51 Hodes |+|+| | | |+|+| | | |Study, Development, & Design of a Mouse 56 Connally | | |+| |#|+|+| | | |Evaluating the Interface: Videotaping Without a Camera 61 Schell | |+|+| |#|+| | | |+|Usability Testing of Screen Design 65 Hix | | |#|+| |#| |#| | |Assessing a Interactive Environment for Developing Interfaces 70 Brems | |+| | |+|+|+| | | |Learning & Preference for Icon-Based Interface 75 Epps | | | | | |#| | | | |Comparison of Cursor Control Devices on a Graphics Editing Task 80 Tan | |+| | |+|+| | | |+|Highlighting & Search Strategy in Computer-Generated Displays 85 Karat |+| | | |+|+| | | |+|Evaluating Interface Complexity 90 Wiklund | | | | | |+| | | | |Portable Terminal Keyboard for One- & Two-Handed Use 95 Percival | |+|+|+|#|#| |#|+|+|Reworking the Interface during Convergence of Software Products 100 Francik | |+| | |+|+| | | | |Optimizing Visual Search & Cursor Movement in Pull-Down Menus 105 Wallace | |+| | | |#| | | | |Time Stress Effects on Two Menu Selection Systems 110 Webb | |+| | | |#| | | |+|Learning Hierarchical Menu Systems: Analogical & Pictorial Formats 115 Thacker | | | | | |+| | | |#|Applying Tullis Visual Search Model to (Non)Highlighted Tabular Displays 120 Perlman | |#|+| |+| | |+| |#|Axiomatic Model of Information Presentation 125 Matthews | | | | | |+| | | |+|Influence of Color on Visual Search & Subjective Discomfort 130 Vicente |+|+| | | | | |+| |+|Applying the Skills, Rules, Knowledge Framework to Interface Design 135 Smith |+| | | |+| |+| | | |Usability: Requirements by Evaluation 138 Wolf | | | | | |+| | | | |Comparative Study of Gestural & Keyboard Interfaces 143 Greene | | | | | |+| | | | |Entry-Based vs. Selection-Based Interaction Methods 147 Valdez | | | | |+|+| | | |#|Browsing Models for Hypermedia Databases 152 Reaux | | | | |#|+| | | | |Effects of Level of Abstraction & Presentation Media on Guidelines Usability 157 Schwartz |+|+| | |+|#| | | | |Impact of Task Characteristics on Display Format Effects 162 Allen |+|+| | | | | |+|+| |Using Databases in the Design of Interfaces for Complex Systems 167 Hewett |#| | | |+| | | | |+|Generic Strategy for Empirical Evaluation of Interactive Computing Systems 172 Mack | | | | | |+| |+| | |Benchmark Comparison of Mouse & Touch Interface Techniques 177 Spoto | |+| | | |+| | | | |Highlighting in Monochrome Alphanumeric Displays 182 Mohageg | |+| | |+|+| |+| | |Performance & Preference for Vector vs. Bit-Mapped Interfaces 187 Keister | | | | |#|+| |+|+| |Content of Help Screens: Users vs. Developers 191 Biers | | |#| |#|+|#| | | |Independent Usability Testing: Lessons Learned 196 Doane |+|+| | | |+| | | |#|Design Issues for Graphical UNIX Interfaces 201 Tanaka | | | | |#|+| |+| |+|Derivation & Validation of a Quantitative Method for Analysis of Consistency 206 Swierenga | | | | | |+| | | | |Menuing & Scrolling as Alternative Information Access Techniques 210 Meyer | | | | | |+| | | | |Time Estimation of "Wait" Message Displays 215 Merwin | | | | | |#| | | | |Impact of Icons & Visual Effects on Learning Databases 220 Myers |+|#| | | | |+| | | |Iterative Design of a Panel-Oriented Interface 225 Snyder | |+| | | |+| | | | |Effect of Image Polarity on VDT Task Performance 230 Loricchio | | | | |+|+| | | | |User Assessment of Standard & Reduced-Size Numeric Keypads 232 Gill | | | | | |+| | | | |Integrating Cursor Control into the Keyboard 237 Vanderheiden | | | | | | | |+| | |Multisensory Nonvisual Interface for Blind Users 241 Donner | |+| | | |#| | | |+|Display Format & Highlighting Validity Effects on Search Performance 246 Jorna | |+| | | |+| |+| | |Differences in Reading Performance & Perceived Image Quality 251 Dyck | | | | | |#| | |+| |Computer Anxiety & Older Adults: Experience, Gender, Education, Age 256 McMulkin | |+| | |+|+| | | |#|Long-Term Learning of a Keyboarding Task 261 Plaisant | | | | |+|+| | | | |Touchscreen Interfaces for Alphanumeric Data Entry 266 Tullis | |+|#| | |+| | | |+|Comparison of Direct-Manipulation, Selection, & Data-Entry Techniques 271 Chase | |#| | | |+| | | |+|Predictability of Cursor Control Performance using a Primitive Set of Actions 276 Lin | |#| | |+|#| | | |+|Application of the Semantic Differential to Icon Design 281 Hix | |+|+|+|+| | |+| | |Evaluating Interface Development Tools 286 Fath | |+| | | | |+|#| | |Taking the "Task" Out of Task Analysis 291 Ogawa | |+|+| |+|+| | | | |Usability Analysis of Guideline Database in Interface Design 296 Gillan | |#| | | | | |+| |+|Interface between Human Factors & Design 301 Flach | |+| | |+| | |+| |+|Graphical Interfaces to Complex Systems 306 Stanney | |+| | | |+| | | |+|Diversity in Field-Articulation & Implications for Interface Design 311 Philips | |#| | | | |#|#| | |Developing Interactive Guidelines for Interface Design 316 Bailey | |+| | |#|+| | | | |Performance vs. Preference 321 Perlman | |+| | | |#| | | |+|Color vs. Texture Coding to Improve Visual Search Performance 326 Vincow | |#| | | |+| | | | |Spatial Layout of Displayed Information: Developing Quantitative Models 331 Wright | |+| | |+|+| | | |#|Interface Evaluation: Modeling of Human Error 334 Casali | |+| | | |#| | | | |Effects of Interface Design on Novice & Experienced Disabled Users 339 Cuomo |+| | | |+| | |+| |+|Evaluating Usability of Graphical, Direct Manipulation Interfaces 344 Sundstrom | | | | | |+|+| | | |Cooperative Human-Computer Decision Making 349 Robertson | |+|+| | |+|+| | | |Design Guidelines for Accessibility by Mentally Retarded Adults 354 Miller | | | |+|+| |+|+| | |Interface Design Process: We Did What We Could in Two Weeks 359 Hefley |#| | | | | | |+| | |Integrating Human Factors with Software Engineering Practices 364 Chen | | | | | |+| | | | |Evaluation of Keyboards: Wrist Posture & Typing Performance 369 Barker | | | | |+|+| | | | |Usability Testing: Effects of Self-Consciousness & Lab Environment 373 Wiebe | |+|+| | |+| |+| | |Evaluation of Alternative Methods of Representing 3-D Objects