HF Perspectives on HCI

Schedule and Milestones

Document URL: http://garyperlman.com/hfeshci/schedule.html
October 1993
Georgia Green, CSTG Chair and Publications Committee member, proposes HCI Proceedings book.
Spring 1994
HFES Executive Council asks Georgia Green at Mid-year Meeting to examine the feasibility of an HCI Proceedings book
August 26, 1994
Mike Wogalter contacts Georgia Green about assisting.
October 1994
Georgia Green and Mike Wogalter discuss the book at the HFES Annual Meeting.
November 1994
Mike Wogalter discusses possibilities with Lois Smith at HFES.
December 6, 1994
Mike Wogalter writes draft proposal in answer to Lois Smith's questions.
January 12, 1995
Gary Perlman signs on as co-editor.
February 6, 1995
Georgia Green signs on as co-editor. Editorial Board includes Gary Perlman, Georgia Green, and Mike Wogalter.
March 16, 1995
Final proposal submitted to HFES Publications Council.
April 12, 1995
HFES Publications Council Approval.
May 6, 1995
HFES Executive Council Approval.
May 8-9, 1995
Editorial Board meetings at CHI'95 in Denver.
May 25, 1995
Call for reviewers distributed, editorial pruning begins.
June 9, 1995
Editorial pruning and reviewer recruiting end. Over 50 reviewers volunteer for the effort.
June 16, 1995
Assigned papers printed and mailed to reviewers.
June 19, 1995
Reviewer instructions emailed to reviewers.
July 10, 1995 (Monday)
Reviews due to hfes-hci-reviews@cis.ohio-state.edu
August 7, 1995
Book enters production.
September 25, 1995
Book completes production.
October 10, 1995
Annual meeting begins in San Diego.

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