Thank you for your recent email inquiry about the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society's newest book, HUMAN FACTORS PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, edited by Gary Perlman, Georgia K. Green, and Michael S. Wogalter. We're pleased to provide the following ordering information, which you may also use as an order form or pro forma invoice. Simply fill in the appropriate information below and return this form to HFES at If you prefer not to give your credit card number in an email message, PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM and then call us (310/394-1811) or fax us (310/394-2410) to provide credit card information. PLEASE PREPAY ALL ORDERS. We accept checks (U.S.$ drawn on a U.S. or Canadian bank, payable to Human Factors and Ergonomics Society), MasterCard, and VISA. Please add California sales tax for orders delivered to CA addresses. Send checks to HCI Book, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406-1369 USA. Books will arrive in approximately three weeks, depending on the date and size of your order, destination, and holiday postal delays in November-December. We ship U.S. orders via UPS, so please provide a street address as opposed to a post office box number. Non-U.S. copies are shipped airmail printed matter. TEACHING EXAMINATION COPIES: HFES will refund the cost of a single copy that is purchased for academic examination (less tax and shipping/handling) if an order is received for 15 or more classroom copies. To obtain an exam copy, please complete and return this order form with payment. To obtain a refund, send a copy of the bookstore order to HFES at the address above. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS: If ordering 5-10 copies, deduct 10%; 11-20 copies, deduct 15%; 21-30 copies, deduct 20%; 31 or more, deduct 25%. Again, we appreciate your interest and look forward to serving you. ORDER FORM Description: HUMAN FACTORS PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION, ISBN 0-945289-05-7, 8-1/2 x 11", 400 pages, paperbound, $42 for HFES members, $58 for nonmembers 1. Number of copies ordered: 2. Order amount: $ 3. Less discount on 5 or more copies (see discount schedule above): $ 4. Subtotal: $ 5. California sales tax, if applicable: $ 6. Shipping/handling on SUBTOTAL (rates are shown below): $ If order amount is $26-50, add $7 U.S., $10 non-U.S. If order amount is $51-90, add $10 U.S., $15 non-U.S. If order amount is $91-120, add $12 U.S., $20 non-U.S. If order amount is $121-150, add $15 U.S., $30 non-U.S. If order amount is $151 and over, $20 U.S., $35 non-U.S. 7. Total amount of order: $ Payment method (please check one): Check (send with completed hard copy of this form) MasterCard VISA (If you do not wish to give credit card information now, complete the rest of this form, return it via email, and call or fax HFES with CC information). Credit card number: Expiration date: Name on card: Phone number (we cannot process your order without a phone number): Ship to (name): Institution: Street address: City/state/zip: Country: